

2018年8月17日(金)14:00〜 <<時間にご注意下さい
場所:広島大学理学部C棟7階C712室 <<場所にご注意下さい
講演者:Trong Dat Do 氏 (Hanoi University of Science)
題目:Dirichlet Process and its application in machine learning
概要:Clustering is an important problem in machine learning, it is about the task of grouping a set of objects such that objects in the same group (called a cluster) are more similar (in some sense) to each other than to those in other groups. One tool to do the clustering problem is Dirichlet Process. This talk presents the Dirichlet Process and its different points of view. Then using Dirichlet Process to build an algorithm to solve the Clustering problem.


2018年12月12日(水)13:00ー <<時間にご注意下さい
場所:広島大学理学部C棟6階C624室 <<場所にご注意下さい
13:00-13:40 藤本 智博 氏(広島大学理)
13:50-14:30 井上 昭彦 氏(広島大学理)
題目:Vector ARMA 過程の有限予測係数に対する閉形式表示


last modified on 2018.11.29
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