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Estimation of the noncentrality matrix of a noncentral Wishart
distribution with unit scale matrix, employing a matrix loss
Heinz Neudecker (University of Amsterdam)
. The habitual unbiased estimator of
. Under certain conditions
is better than
, for suitable
. Leung (1994) showed this using the loss function
We shall use a matrix loss function
and apply Lywner partial ordering of symmetric matrices.
An approximate domination result will be proved, the error term being
of order
. We shall use a matrix version of a Fundamental
for the noncentral Wishart distribution. [Leung gave a scalar version
extending Hass's Fundamental Identity (scalar version) for the central
Wishart distribution.] A matrix version of Leung's ancillary Lemma 3.1 will
then be established. We shall employ an approximation of
being the expectation operator. A lemma of the
matrix Hessian
, where
is a scalar
(matrix) function of
will be proved. Further a lemma on the scalar
Hessian tr
, where
are matrix
functions of
is a constant matrix, will be given. References: Hass, L.
R. (1981) Canadian J. Statist, 215-224. Leung, P. L. (1994) J. Multivariate
Anal. 48, 107-14.
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Tohru Okuzono