- 小本 哲士:ゲノム配列と核内構造動態の解析による多様な転写制御機構の解明 (2023年度 広島大学大学院統合生命科学研究科) 公開版
- 渡辺 開智:ウニ初期発生をモデルとした原腸形成機構および染色体構造制御機構の解析 (2023年度 広島大学大学院統合生命科学研究科) 公開版
- Honda, K., & Awazu, A.:
Potential multiple disease progression pathways in female patients with Alzheimer’s disease inferred from transcriptome and epigenome data of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
PLoS ONE (in press)
- Komoto, T., Ikeo, K., Yaguchi, S., Yamamoto, T., Sakamoto, N., & Awazu, A.:
Assembly of continuous high-resolution draft genome sequence of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus using long-read sequencing.
Development, Growth & Differentiation. https://doi.org/10.1111/dgd.12924
Awazu, A., Takemoto, D., Watanabe, K., & Sakamoto, N.:
Possibilities of skin coat color-dependent risks and risk factors of squamous cell carcinoma and deafness of domestic cats inferred via RNA-seq data.
Genes to Cells 28. 893-905 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1111/gtc.13076
Watanabe, K., Fujita, M., Okamoto, K., Yoshioka, H., Moriwaki, M., Tagashira, H., Awazu, A., Yamamoto, T., & Sakamoto, N.:
The crucial role of CTCF in mitotic progression during early development of sea urchin.
Development, Growth & Differentiation (2023) 65(7), 395-407. https://doi.org/10.1111/dgd.12875
S. Wakao, N. Saitoh, and A. Awazu:
Mathematical model of structural changes in nuclear speckle Biophysics and Physicobiology (2023) 20, e200020
T. Nakanishi and A. Awazu:
Formation of Small-World Network Containing Module Networks in Globally and Locally Coupled Map System with Changes in Global Connection with Time Delay Effects
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 92, 034801.1-9 (2023)
T. Kameda, A. Awazu, Y. Togashi:
Molecular dynamics analysis of biomolecular systems including nucleic acids.
Biophysics and Physicobiology 19, e190027 (2022)
M. Shirai, T. Nara, H. Takahashi, K. Takayama, Y. Chen, Y. Hirose, M. Fujii, A. Awazu, N. Shimoda, Y. Kikuchi:
Identification of aberrant transcription termination at specific gene loci with DNA hypomethylated transcription termination sites caused by DNA methyltransferase deficiency.
Genes Genet. Syst. 21, 00092 (2022)
T. Komoto, M. Fujii, A. Awazu:
Epigenetic-structural changes in X chromosomes promote Xic pairing during early differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells.
Biophysics and Physicobiology 19, e190018 (2022)
O. Yamanaka, Y. Oki, Y. Imamura, Y. Tamura, M. Shiraishi*, S. Izumi, A. Awazu, H. Nishimori:
Ants Alter Collective Behavior After Feeding and Generate Shortcut Paths on a Two-Dimensional Foraging Area.
Front. Phys. 10, 896717 (2022)
S. Nakahata, T. Komoto, M. Fujii, A. Awazu:
Mathematical model of chromosomal dynamics during DNA double strand break repair in budding yeast.
Biophysics and Physicobiology 19, e190012 (2022)
K. Watanabe, Y. Yasui, Y. Kurose, M. Fujii, T. Yamamoto, N. Sakamoto, A. Awazu:
Partial exogastrulation due to apical-basal polarity of F-actin distribution disruption in sea urchin embryo by omeprazole.
Genes to Cells 1-17 (2022) doi/epdf/10.1111/gtc.12934
H. Matsumori, K. Watanabe, H. Tachiwana, T. Fujita, Y. Ito, M. Tokunaga, K. Sakata-Sogawa, H. Osakada, T. Haraguchi, A. Awazu, H. Ochiai, Y. Sakata, K. Ochiai, T. Toki, E. Ito, P.G. Goldberg, K.Tokunaga, M. Nakao, N. Saitoh:
Ribosomal protein L5 facilitates rDNA-bundled condensate and nucleolar assembly
Life Sci. Alli. 5, e202101045 (2022) (粟津は数理モデル構築とシミュレーションを行いました。)
T. Nakanishi, M. Fujii, and A. Awazu:
Self-Organization of Diverse Directional Hierarchical Networks in Simple Coupled Maps with Connection Changes
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 91, 023801.1-4 (2022)
- Ohara, A., Fujii, M., & Awazu, A.:
Spontaneous Organizations of Diverse Network Structures in Coupled Logistic Maps with a Delayed Connection Change.
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 89, 114801 (2020).
- D. Aoki#, A. Awazu#, M. Fujii#, J. Uewaki#, M, Hashimoto, N. Tochio, T. Umehara, S. Tate (#:Equal contribution):
Ultrasensitive Change in Nucleosome Binding by Multiple Phosphorylations to the Intrinsically Disordered Region of the Histone Chaperone FACT
J. Mol. Biol. 432 (2020) 4637-4657, https://doi.org/
- 粟津暁紀,松島佑樹,廣瀬湧大,坂本尚昭:
月刊細胞 52 (2020) 45-49.
- Y. Kaneshige, F. Hayashi, K. Morigaki, Y. Tanimoto, H. Yamashita, M. Fujii, A. Awazu:
Affinity of rhodopsin to raft enables the aligned oligomer formation from dimers: Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation of disk membranes
PLoS ONE 15 (2020) e0226123.
* 2020/2/29 中国新聞で紹介されました。
- Niiya, H., Awazu, A., & Nishimori, H.:
Simple Particle Model for Low-Density Granular Flow Interacting with Ambient Fluid.
Geosciences, 10 (2020) 69.
- T. Kameda, A. Awazu, Y. Togashi:
Histone Tail Dynamics in Partially Disassembled Nucleosomes During Chromatin Remodeling
Front. Mol. Biosci. (2019) 6, 133.
- D. Liu, A. Awazu, T. Sakuma, T. Yamamoto, N. Sakamoto:
Establishment of knockout adult sea urchins by using a CRISPR-Cas9 system
Development Growrh and Differentiation (2019) 61, 378-388
- O. Yamanaka, M. Shiraishi, A. Awazu, H. Nishimori:
Verification of mathematical models of response threshold through statistical characterisation of the foraging activity in ant societies
Scientific Reports 9, (2019) 8845.
- 粟津暁紀,永野惇:
植物科学最前線 10:3 (2019) (BSJ-Review 10:3 (2019))
- Y. Matsushima, N. Sakamoto, A. Awazu:
Insulator Activities of Nucleosome-Excluding DNA Sequences Without Bound Chromatin Looping Proteins.
J. Phys. Chem. B 123 (2019) 5, 1035-1043. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b10518
- K. Takao, K. Takamiya, D-Q. Ding, T. Haraguchi, Y. Hiraoka, H. Nishimori, A. Awazu:
Torsional turning motion of chromosomes as an accelerating force to align homologous chromosomes during meiosis.
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. (2019) 88, 023801
- M. Shiraishi, R. Takeuchi, H. Nakaghawa, S-I. Nishimura, A. Awazu, H. Nishimori:
Diverse stochasticity leads a colony of ants to optimal foraging
J. Theo. Bio. 465 (2019) 7-16
- A. Awazu:
Formation by Small Numbers: Minority Biological Scenarios in Correlations Among the Structure, Dynamics, and Function of Nuclear Chromosomes.
Minorities and Small Numbers from Molecules to Organisms in Biology (Springer 2018)
- L. Shi, K. Fujioka, N. Sakurai-Ozato, W. Fukumoto, K. Satoh, J. Sun, A. Awazu, et al.:
Chromosomal Abnormalities in Human Lymphocytes after Computed Tomography Scan Procedure
Radiation Research (2018), https://doi.org/10.1667/RR14976.1.
- A. Awazu, T. Tanabe, M. Kamitani, A. Tezuka, A. J. Nagano :
Broad distribution spectrum from Gaussian to power law appears in stochastic variations in RNA-seq data.
Scientific Reports 8, (2018) 8339.
- M. Matsushita, H. Ochiai, K. T. Suzuki, S. Hayashi, T. Yamamoto, A. Awazu, N. Sakamoto :
Dynamic changes in the interchromosomal interaction of early histone gene loci during early development of sea urchin.
J. Cell Sci (2017) 130, 4097-4107.
最近の研究成果の紹介記事です。(プレスリリース 2017, 12月)
- T. Kameda, S. Isami, Y. Togashi, H. Nishimori, N. Sakamoto and A. Awazu:
The 1-Particle-per-k-Nucleotides (1PkN) Elastic Network Model of DNA Dynamics with Sequence-Dependent Geometry
Frontier in Physiology. (2017) DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00103.
- A. Awazu:
Prediction of nucleosome positioning by the incorporation of frequencies and distributions of three different nucleotide segment lengths into a general pseudo k-tuple nucleotide composition
Bioinfomatics (2017) 33, 42-48.
-> See also (predictors)
- S. Seirin Lee, S. Tashiro, A. Awazu, R. Kobayashi:
A new application of the phase-field method for understanding the mechanisms of nuclear architecture reorganization
J. Math. Biol. (2017) 74, 333354.
出版物 2016
- T. Ogawa, E. Shoji, N. J. Suematsu, H. Nishimori, S. Izumi, A. Awazu, M. Iima :
The Flux of Euglena gracilis Cells Depends on the Gradient of Light Intensity
PLOS ONE. (2016) DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0168114
- H. Kawazoe, Y. Nakano, ..., A. Awazu, ... :
Risk stratification of ventricular fibrillation in Brugada syndrome using noninvasive scoring methods
Heart Rhythm (2016) 13, 1947-1954.
- A. Takemoto, T. Miyamoto, F. Simono, N. Kurogi, M. Shirae-Kurabayashi, A. Awazu, K. T. Suzuki, T. Yamamoto, N. Sakamoto:
Cilia play a role in breaking left徨ight symmetry of the sea urchin embryo
Genes to Cells (2016) 12362
- Kazunori Takamiya, Keisuke Yamamoto, Shuhei Isami, Hiraku Nishimori, and Akinori Awazu:
Excluded volume effect enhances the homology pairing of model chromosomes
Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE 7, (2016) 66-75.
- Shuhei Isami, Naoaki Sakamoto, Hiraku Nishimori, and Akinori Awazu:
Simple Elastic Network Models for Exhaustive Analysis of Long Double-Stranded DNA Dynamics with Sequence Geometry Dependence
PLoS One 10, (2015) e0143760
- Koudai Hirao, Atsushi J. Nagano, and Akinori Awazu:
Noise-plasticity correlations of gene expression in the multicellular organism Arabidopsis thaliana
J. Theo. Bio. 387, (2015) 13-22
- Akinori Awazu:
Nuclear dynamical deformation-induced hetero- and euchromatin positioning
Phys. Rev. E 92, (2015) 032709
- Yusuke Ogihara, Osamu Yamanaka, Toshiaki Akino, Shunsuke Izumi, Akinori Awazu and Hiraku Nishimori(分担執筆):
Mathematical Approaches to Biological Systems Networks, Oscillations, and Collective Motions
Eds.T.Ohira, et al., Springer(2015)
- 粟津 暁紀:
「生体高分子の排除体積と混み合いが生化学反応に及ぼす影響」, 生体の科学・特集「生命動態システム科学」65, 448-449 (2014) [招待総説]
- 坂本 尚昭, 粟津 暁紀:
「インスレーターとクロマチン構造」, 生体の科学・特集「生命動態システム科学」65, 412-413 (2014) [招待総説]
- A. Awazu:
Segregation and phase inversion of strongly and weakly fluctuating Brownian particle mixtures and a chain of such particle mixtures in spherical containers Phys. Rev. E 90 (2014) 042308
- E. Shoji, H. Nishimori, A. Awazu, S. Izumi, and M. Iima:
Localized Bioconvection Patterns and Their Initial State Dependency in Euglena gracilis Suspensions in an Annular Container
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 83 (2014) 043001 1-4
- T. Tokuyama, Y. Nakano, A. Awazu, et al.:
Deterioration of the circadian variation of heart rate variability in Brugada syndrome may contribute to the pathogenesis of ventricular fibrillation
Journal of Cardiology 64 (2014) 133-138
- Y S. Ikura, E. Heisler, A. Awazu, H. Nishimori, and S. Nakata:
Collective motion of symmetric camphor papers in an annular water channel
Phys. Rev. E 88, (2013) 012911 1-5
- S. Nakata, M. Hata, Y. S. Ikura, E. Heisler, A. Awazu, H. Kitahata, and H. Nishimori:
Motion with Memory of a Self-Propelled Object
J. Phys. Chem. C 117, (2013) 24490-24495
- H. Niiya, A. Awazu, H. Nishimori:
Stability of transverse dunes against perturbations: A theoretical study using dune skeleton model
AEOLIAN RESEARCH 9, (2013) 63-68
- M. Fujii, H. Nishimor, and A. Awazu:
Influences of Excluded Volume of Molecules on Signaling Processes on Biomembrane
PLoS One 8 (2013) e62218
- E. Heisler, N. J. Suematsu, A. Awazu, and H. Nishimor:
Collective motion and phase transitions of symmetric camphor boats
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81 (2012) 074605
- E. Heisler, N. J. Suematsu, A. Awazu, and H. Nishimor:
Swarming of self-propelled camphor boats
Phys. Rev. E 85, (2012) 055201(R) 1-4
- M. Fujii, A. Awazu, and H. Nishimori:
Segregation pattern reorientation of granular mixture on horizontally oscillating tray
Phys. Rev. E 85, (2012) 041304 1-4
- H. Niiya, A. Awazu, H. Nishimori:
Bifurcation Analysis of the Transition of Dune Shapes Under a Unidirectional
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, (2012) 158001 1-4
- R. Kawai, S. Torigoe, K. Yoshida, A. Awazu, and H. Nishimori:
Effective stochastic resonance under noise of heterogeneous amplitude Phys. Rev. E 82 (2010) 051122
- M. Fujii, A. Awazu, and H. Nishimori:
Saddle-Node Bifurcation to Jammed State for Quasi-One-Dimensional Counter Chemotactic Flow Phys. Rev. E 82 (2010) 015102(R)
- H. Niiya, A. Awazu, H. Nishimori:
Three-Dimensional Dune Skeleton Model as a Coupled Dynamical System of Two-Dimensional Cross Sections J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. (2010) 063002
- N. J. Suematsu, S. Nakata, A. Awazu, and H. Nishimori:
Collective behavior of inanimate boats Phys. Rev. E 81 (2010) 056210
- A. Awazu and K. Kaneko:
Discreteness-Induced Slow Relaxation in Reversible Catalytic Reaction Networks Phys. Rev. E 81 (2010) 051920
出版物(2008 以前): 作成中