Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx), implementing nucleosome positioning predictors for human, worm, fly, and yeast genomes proposed in "Awazu, A., Bioinfomatics (2017)" were constructed, in order to distribute widely and allow the ease of use of these predictors. These spreadsheets can be used on both Windows and Mac systems, since Excel Macro (Visual Basic Application) was not used for calculations. By inserting 147-bp (150-bp for yeast) DNA sequences into the cells highlighted yellow in the spreadsheets, the prediction whether the input sequence is involved in the formation of nucleosome or not can be easily determined using 3LS model (TNS model for yeast) with appropriate coefficients (Supplementary Tables S2 of the paper by Awazu, A., Bioinfomatics (2017)).
Please cite the following paper when using the following spreadsheets:
Akinori Awazu. (2017) Prediction of nucleosome positioning by the incorporation of frequencies and distributions of three different nucleotide segment lengths into a general pseudo k-tuple nucleotide composition
Bioinformatics 33: 42-48.
This work was partially supported by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED); and the Grant-in-Aid for Scien-tific Research on Innovative Areas “Initiative for High-Dimensional Data-Driven Science through Deepening of Sparse Model-ing” [grant numbers 4503, 26120525] of MEXT of Japan.