Hiroshima University Topology-Geometry Seminar Information
Topology-Geometry Seminar is held on every Tuesday.
The talks are given mainly in Japanese.
Topology-Geometry Seminar 2013 starts on April 16, 2013.
version is here.
Speakers and Title of Talks
2/4:Yoshikazu Aono(Hiroshima University)
Discreteness detecting problem in the isometry group of the universal
covering of SL_2
Takuya Fujimaru(Hiroshima University)
On classification of totally geodesic surfaces in some symmetric spaces of
noncompact type
Hirano Toshiki(Hiroshima University)
Non-periodic tilings of the hyperbolic plane
Yusuke Yoshida(Hiroshima University)
Finite symmetric quandles which admit a transposition as a good involution
1/14:Masato Mimura (Tohoku University)
Group approximations in Cayley topology and coarse geometry: coarse
embeddings of amenable groups
12/10:Ryosuke Mineyama (Osaka University)
Limit sets of Coxeter groups with signature (n-1,1)
12/3:Fuminori Nakata (Fukushima University)
Twistor correspondence for non-compact indefinite self-dual manifolds
11/26:Kumi Kobata (Kinki University)
On self-complementary graphs and cyclic automorphism graphs(joint work with Yasuo Ohno)
11/12:Cyril Lecuire (Universite' Paul Sabatier)
Discontinuous action of Out(Fn) and discrete representations
11/5:Noriyuki Hamada (The University of Tokyo)
Decompositions of positive relations in the mapping class group
10/22:Takuya Ukida (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
PALF structures on Akbulut-Yasui plugs and plug twists
10/8:Sosuke Ashihara (Hiroshima University)
The fundamental quandles and biquandles of ribbon torus-knots
7/16:Yo'av Rieck (University of Arkansas)
On the distance of Heegaard splittings of hyperbolic 3-manifolds
(joint work with Tsuyoshi Kobayashi)
7/9:Rei Inoue (Chiba University)
Cluster algebra and complex volume of 2-bridge knots
6/25:Yuichiro Taketomi (Hiroshima University)
Studies on algebraic Ricci solitons via isometric actions on a non-compact
symmetric space
6/18:Ken Baker (University of Miami)
Unbounded bridge numbers
6/7:Zoltan Musznay (University of Debrecen)
About the holonomy of Finsler manifolds
6/4:Hideo Doi (Hiroshima University)
a survey of Morley's trisector theorem
5/28 :Kunio Murasugi (University of Toronto)
Various stabilities of knot polynomials and their applications
5/21 :Isami Koga (Kyushu university)
A study of submanifolds of complex Grassmannian with parallel second fundamental form
5/14 :Hirotaka Akiyoshi (Osaka University)
Hyperbolic structures on the torus with a single cone point
5/7 :Kazuto Takao (Hiroshima University)
Handle decompositions and singularities of product maps
4/23 :Mikio Furokawa (Hiroshima University)
Ford domains of quasi-fuchsian once-punctured Klein bottle groups
4/16 :Naoki Sakata (Hiroshima University)
Canonical decompositions of hyperbolic fibered two-bridge link complements
The seminars held in the past (academic) years
Makoto Sakuma email :
Hiroshi Tamaru email :
Kazuhiro Shibuya email:
Kouichi Yasui email :