Hiroshima University Topology-Geometry Seminar Information
Topology-Geometry Seminar is held on every Tuesday.
The talks are given mainly in Japanese.
Topology-Geometry Seminar 2012 starts on April 24, 2012.
version is here.
Speakers and Title of Talks
3/5 :Benjamin Burton (The University of Queensland)
Computing which knots are large
2/19 :Toshihiro Nakanishi (Shimane University)
An infinite product associated to a hyperbolic three-holed sphere
2/5 :Yuichiro Oi (Hiroshima University)
Poincare's polyhedron theorem for 2, 3-dimensional cone manifolds
Yuichiro Honke(Hiroshima University)
Convex cores of quotient hyperbolic manifolds of certain quasifuchsian punctured torus groups
Yuta Hase (Hiroshima University)
On smooth structures of doubles of 4-manifolds
Naoki Sakata (Hiroshima University)
Canonical decompositions of hyperbolic fibered 2-bridge links
Mikio Furokawa (Hiroshima University)
Ford domains of quasi-fuchsian once-punctured Klein bottle groups
Yuichiro Taketomi (Hiroshima University)
On the nonexistence of left-invariant Ricci solitons --- a conjecture and examples
1/29 :Asuka Takatsu (Nagoya University)
Isoperimetric profile of radial probability measure
1/22 :Atsumu Sasaki (Department of Mathematics, Tokai University)
A generalized Cartan decomposition for spherical 4-symmetric spaces
12/18 :Ryokichi Tanaka (Tohoku University)
Random walks on groups of prescribed volume grouwth
12/11 :Takahiro Noda (Nagoya University / OCAMI)
Contact geometry associated with second-order
overdetermined systems
12/4 :Cheng Zhiyun (Beijing Normal University)
Region crossing change on link diagrams
11/27 :Tetsuji Taniguchi (Matsue College of Technology)
Line graphs and its eigenvalue problem: the relationship
between root systems and graphs
11/20 :Reiko Shinjo (Waseda University)
On the inclusive relation of three properties of knot diagrams
10/30 :Takefumi Nosaka (Kyushu University)
On third homologies of quandles and of groups via Inoue-Kabaya map
10/23 :Takahiro Hashinaga (Hiroshima University)
Homogeneous Ricci soliton hypersurfaces in the complex hyperbolic
Akira Kubo (Hiroshima University)
Homogeneous Ricci soliton hypersurfaces in the complex hyperbolic
10/16 :Chad Musick (Nagoya University)
Recognizing Trivial Links in Polynomial Time
9/25 :Nikolay Abrosimov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk)
Volumes of polyhedra in spaces of constant curvature
8/21 :Brian Bowditch (Univ. Warwick)
Coarse median groups and spaces
7/31 :Yuichiro Oi (Hiroshima University)
Extension of Poincare's polyhedron theorem and low-dimensional cone-manifolds
Yuichiro Honke(Hiroshima University)
Quasi fuchsian once punctured torus group obtained by minimal genus Seifert surface of two-bridge knot
Yuta Hase (Hiroshima University)
Construction of closed 4-manifolds by Andrews Curtis non trivial presentation
Naoki Sakata (Hiroshima University)
A canonical decomposition of hyperbolic two bridge knots
Mikio Furokawa (Hiroshima University)
Hyperbolic structures corresponding to PSL(2,C)-representations for the fundamental group of once-punctured Klein bottle
Yuichiro Taketomi (Hiroshima University)
On nonexistence of left-invariant Ricci solitons
Noriyuki Takasaki (Hiroshima University)
Projective structures and secondary characteristic classes
7/17 :Naoyuki Monden (Kyoto University)
On geography problem of Lefschetz fibrations
7/10 :Yo'av Rieck (University of Arkansas)
The link volume and cosmetic surgery (joint work with Yasushi Yamashita)
6/26 :Greg McShane (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Orthospectra and identities
6/19 :Hisayoshi Muroya (Osaka City University)
On $n$-noids of genus one
6/12 :Katsuhiro Shiohama (Fukuoka University)
Complete real hypersurfaces and the pencil of K-lines in the K-hyperbolic
(projective) spaces
6/5 :Masakazu Teragaito (Hiroshima University)
Left-orderability and exceptional Dehn surgery on twist knots
5/29 :Tetsuya Abe (Kyoto University)
Annulus twist, diffeomorphic 4-manifolds, and slice knots
5/22 :Kanako Oshiro (Japan Women's University)
On linear colorings for knots
5/15 :Akira Kubo (Hiroshima University)
On geometry of $S_\Phi$-orbits in symmetric spaces of noncompact type
5/8 :Ayaka Shimizu (Hiroshima University)
The half-twisted splice on reduced knot projections
5/1 :Toshio Saito (Joetsu University of Education)
Meridional destabilizing number of knots
4/24 :Seiichi Kamada (Hiroshima University)
Observation of branched coverings and braids via charts
The seminars held in the past (academic) years
Makoto Sakuma email :
Hiroshi Tamaru email :
Kazuhiro Shibuya email:
Kouichi Yasui email :