Hiroshima University Topology-Geometry Seminar Information
Topology-Geometry Seminar is held on every Tuesday.
The talks are given mainly in Japanese.
Topology-Geometry Seminar 2006 starts on April 11, 2006.
version is here.
Speakers and Title of Talks
- 2/21 : Kimihiko Motegi, Deruell Arnaud
(Nihon University)
Networking Seifert fibered surgeries on knots (joint work with Katura Miyazaki)
- 2/7 :
- Toshiyuki Kan (Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Miyazawa polynomials of 2-braid virtual links
- Takafumi Kodama (Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
A new complexity of braids and 3-braids with primary complexity up to 10
- Takayuki Nagai (Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Lee's invariants of surface links represented by ch-graphs of square type
- 1/31 : Hirofumi Nakai
(Oshima National college of Maritime Technology)
Generalized cohomology theories arised from algebraic curves
- 1/24 : Toshifumi Tanaka
(Graduate School of Mathematical Science,University of Tokyo)
A topological proof of the existence of an exotic Casson handle
- 1/17 : Ryosuke Yamamoto
(Graduate School of Science,Osaka University)
Detecting overtwisted open books
- 1/10 : Ichiro Torisu
(Naruto University of Education)
Classification of transverse and Legendrian Hopf links
- 12/20 : Masayasu Moriwaki
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Poisson transformation and Fourier-Borel transformation on the complex cone
- 12/13 : Toshiyuki Sugawa
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
On invariant differential operators on Riemann surfaces
- 12/6 : Yasuharu Amitani
(Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Waseda University)
Classification of polarized manifolds containing low degree covers of $\mathbb{CP}\sp{n}$ as
hyperplane sections
- 11/22 (15:00~16:30) : Banghe Li
(Chinese Academy of Sciences (China))
Diffeomorphism groups of rational and ruled surfaces
- 11/22 (13:30~14:45) : Atsumu Sasaki
(Graduate School of Science and Engineering,Waseda University,D2)
Visible actions on multiplicity-free spaces of complex reductive Lie groups
- 11/15 : Atsutaka Kowata
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University,Research Associate)
Some results of normal SL(2,C) triples of symmetric spaces
- 11/8 : Hironori Yamasaki
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Stable extendibility of vector bundles over real projective spaces and lens spaces
- 11/1 : Antonio Regidor Garc¥'{¥i}a
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Lusternik-Schnirelmann $¥pi_1$-categories
- 10/25 : Gen Mano
(Reserch Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University,D4)
Integral formula for the inversion of the minimal representation of O(p,q) and integral geometry
- 10/18 : Taro Yoshino
(Reserch Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto University,COE Resercher)
Hurwitz-Radon number over R,C,or H
- 10/4 : Naoko Kamada
(OCAMI, Osaka City University)
A table of virtual knots with up to 4 crossings and Miyazawa polynomials
- 7/26 : Toshio Saito
(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University)
(1,1)-knots with lens space surgery and the 3-sphere surgery
- 7/19 : Shoichi Fujimori
(Department of Mathematics,Kobe University)
Spacelike surfaces of mean curvature 1 in de Sitter 3-space
- 7/12 : Atsushi Ishii
(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University)
Skein relations for a quantum invariant of virtual links
- 7/5 : Shinya Hirakawa
(Mathematical Institute,Tohoku University)
Constant Gaussian curvature surfaces with parallel mean curvature vector in two-dimensional complex space forms
- 6/28 : Takumi Yamada
(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University)
On compact complex-parallelizable pseudo-Kaehler manifolds
- 6/21 : Shin Satoh
(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University)
Sheet numbers of surface-knots and quandle-colorings
- 6/14 : Seiichi Kamada
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Graphs and combinatorial group theory
- 6/7 : William MENASCO
(SUNY at Buffalo)
Recognizing exchange reducibility
- 5/31 : Hiroshi Tamaru
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
A construction of cohomogeneity one actions on noncompact symmetric spaces of higher rank
- 5/24 : Toru Ohmoto
(Department of Mathematics, Hokkaido University)
Thom polynomials, equivariant Chern classes and their generating functions
- 5/17 : Masakazu Teragaito
(Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University)
Lens space surgeries on doubly primitive knots
- 5/10 : Yoshio Agaoka
(Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University)
Invariants and elementary geometry
- 4/26 : Hiroshi Matsuda
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
On transversely non-simple knots
The seminars held in the past (academic) years
Hiroshi Tamaru email: tamaru@math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Hiroshi Matsuda email: matsuda@math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Atutaka Kowata email: kowata@math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp