Hiroshima University Topology-Geometry Seminar Information
Topology-Geometry Seminar is held on every Friday.
The talks are given mainly in Japanese.
Topology-Geometry Seminar 2003 started on April 18, 2003.
version is here.
Speakers and Titles of Talks
- 2^24FWhensheng Cao (Hunan University of Science and Technology)
On the classification of 4-dimensional Moebius transformations
- 2^10FKatsumi Konishi (Information Media Center, Hiroshima University)
Relaxation for nonconvex quadratic matrix inequalities and its application
- 2^3F
- Haruko Ishigami
The simplest hyperbolic knots with non-integral toroidal surgery
- Hiroki Okano
The 1st coefficient of the characteristic polynomial of the Alexander matrix
- Ken Kobashi
Embeddings of graphs on closed surfaces
- Katsuhiro Mitani
Coustructing spectra related to Ravenel's T(m) and its applications
- Hitoshi Miyamoto
Classification of finite biquandles and construction of knot biquandles
- Masayasu Moriwaki
The character of A2 - type
- Hironori Yamasaki
Study on stable extendibility of real vector bundles over real projective spaces
- 1^20FTetsu Nishimoto(Kinki Welfare University)
Lusternik-Schnirelmann categories of non-simply connected compact
simple Lie groups of low rank
- 1^13FHiroshi Matsuda(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Ozsvath-Szabo floer homology
- 12^16FTakao Matumoto(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
On proper LS category and shape theory
- 12^9FChuichiro Hayashi(Faculty of Science, Japan Women's University)
The number of Vogel operations to deform a link diagram to a closed braid
- 11^14FK. Kiyohara(Okayama University)
The cut loci and the conjugate loci on ellipsoids
- 11^11FGael MeignieziUniversite de Bretagne sudj
Making foliated manifolds with prescribed dynamics
- 10^31FToshiyuki Sugawa(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Characterizations of convexity for subdomains of the hyperbolic plane
in terms of their hyperbolic metrics (joint work with Seong-A Kim)
- 10^17FSadayoshi Kojima(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
On geometry of 3-manifolds
- 10^10FToshie Takata (Faculty of Science, Niigata University)
The Jones polynomial and the A-polynomial for twist knots
- 10^‚V(15:00-16:00)@FAnatole Katok (Pennsylvania State University)
Approximation by conjugations method in dymanics:
Introduction and recent applications
- 10^‚V(16:30-17:30)@FSvetlana Katok (Pennsylvania State University)
Coding of geodesics on the modular surgace
- 16/Sep. Susumu Hirose
(Saga University, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
On diffeomorphisms over surfaces in 4-manifolds
- 12/Sep. Yusuke Kawamoto
- 25/July Hiroshi Matsuda
(University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences)
Genus one knots which admit (1,1)-decompositions
- 18/July@Yasushi Homma(Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science)
Universal Bochner-Weitzenbock formulas and Casimir elements
- 11/July@Hijime Ono(Tokyo Metropolitan University, Graduate School of Science)
Minimality and Hamiltonian stability of
Lagrangian submanifolds in Kaeler manifolds
- 4/July@Minoru Yamamoto(Kyushu University)
First order local invariants of stable maps into the plane
- 27/June Yasutaka Nakanishi
(Faculty of Science, Kobe University)
Delta link homotopy
- 20/June Lu Zhi
(Institute of Mathematics, Fudan University, Shanghai;
Osaka City University)
Semilinear homology G-spheres and
their equivariant inertia groups
- 13/June Naoko Kamada
(Tsuda College)
On the Jones polynomials of virtual knots
- 6/June Masakazu Teragaito
(Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University)
Crosscap numbers of 2-bridge knots
- 23/May Kentaro Saji
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Singularities of fronts
- 16/May Takao Matumoto
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
4-dimensional Poincare complexes with free group
- 9/May Seiichi Kamada
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
A combinatorial method for calculating monodromies in topology
- 25/Apr Hirofumi Nakai
(Oshima National College of Maritime Technology)
Hopf Algebroids and Homotopy Groups
- 18/Apr Nobuhiro Honda
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Geometry of twistor lines
The seminars held in the past (academic) years
Seiichi Kamada kamada@math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp