Hiroshima University Topology-Geometry Seminar Information
Topology-Geometry Seminar is held on every Tuesday.
The talks are given mainly in Japanese.
Topology-Geometry Seminar 2002 started on April 16, 2002.
The seminar on December 6 was a Topology-Geometry & Algebraic Geometry
joint seminar.
version is here.
Speakers and Titles of Talks
- 28/1 Norihiko Minami
(Nagoya Institute of Technology)
HELP needed for motion planning?
- 14/1 Masaaki Suzuki
(Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo)
On the Magnus representation of the mapping class group
- 10/12 Katsumi Shimomura
(Faculty of Science Kochi University)
On the homotopy groups of spheres
- 6/12 Richard Hain
(Duke University)
The cohomology of the moduli space of abelian 3-folds
- 3/12 Yoshihiko Suyama
(Department of Applied Mathematics, Fukuoka University)
New examples of conformally flat hypersurface in Euclidean 4-space
- 26/11 Yasuhiro NAKAGAWA
(Mathematical Institute Tohoku University)
A remark on Tian's notions of stability for Fano manifolds
- 19/11 Hirotaka Akiyoshi
(Graduate School of Science, Osaka University)
McShane's identity and its variations
- 12/11 Takao Matumoto
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Deformation of chart diagrams of singular
2-dimensional braids and its applications
- 29/10 Regidor Garcia Antonio
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Some results on a conjecture of Eilenberg-Maclane
- 22/10 Akio Kawauchi
(Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University)
The classification problem of closed orientable 3-manifolds
- 15/10 Makoto Matsumoto
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Relations between Dehn twists arising from
deformation of singularity
- 1/10 Seiichi Kamada
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Quandle homology and its application to knot theory
- 16/07 Yukio Matsumoto
(Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo)
Survey of codimension 2 surgery (canceled)
- 9/07 Shin Satoh
(Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University)
Positive, alternating, or simple surface-knots
- 4/07 Hiroyasu Izeki
(Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University)
Combinatrial harmonic maps and superrigidity
- 25/06 Nobuyoshi Takahashi
(Graduate school of Science, Hiroshima University)
Introduction to mirror symmetry
- 11/06 Yoshio Agaoka
(Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University)
Projective codimension of Lie groups
- 4/06 Masakazu Teragaito
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Crosscap numbers of torus knots
- 28/05 Toshiyuki Sugawa
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
On the bottom of spectrum of a 2-dimensional hyperbolic manifold
- 21/05 Masaaki Umehara
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Flat surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space
- 14/05 Takeshi Kura
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
A Laplacian comparison theorem
- 07/05 Nobuhiro Honda
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
Non-Moishezon twistor spaces of 4CP^2
- 23/04 Seiichi Kamada
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
On generalization of braids
- 16/04 Taro Asuke
(Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
The Bott class as a Chern-Simons invariant
The seminars held in the past (academic) years
Seiichi Kamada kamada@math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp
Nobuhiro Honda honda@math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp