広島大学 トポロジー・幾何セミナー 講演者アブストラクト
4/7(金):東條 広一 氏 (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科)- 固有かつ余コンパクトに作用する簡約部分群を持つ既約半単純対称空間の分類
(Classification of irreducible semisimple symmetric spaces on which there exists a reductive subgroup acting properly and cocompactly)
簡約型等質空間$G/H$に対し,固有かつ余コンパクトに作用す る$G$の簡約部分群が存在すれば,
$G/H$ はコンパクトクリフォードクライン形を持つことが知られている.
既約半単純対称空間について, 現在までに得られているコンパクトクリフォー ドクライン形12系列は全て,この事実の帰結と捉えられる.
逆に,この事実によって得られる既約半単純対称空間のコンパクトクリフォード クライン形はその12系列に限られることを見る.
4/18(火):Youngsik Huh 氏 (Hanyang University)- Problems on graphs in 3-space: Immersion into plane and linear
embedding into 3-space
Graphs are found in many mathematical, also other scientific contexts,
besides graph theory itself, because they represent the complicated
relations among specific objects of interest in a simpler and abstract
way, hence enable us to derive the essential information that we want
to see. Also in topology research, graphs are used as crucial tools.
On the other hand a topological view plays a significant role in the
study on graph itself. A good example for this is the “planarity of
graph”. Graphs are divided into planar graphs and nonplanar graphs.
More generally graphs are categorized according to the minimal genus
of surface into which they are embeddable. In topological graph theory
people had done or have been trying to describe the embeddability of
graph into specific 2-dimensional spaces in the language of
combinatorics, as can be seen from Kuratowski’s theorem, the work of
Ringel, Young and Harary.
Considering graph to be 1-dimensional complex, it can be embedded into
the 3-space, so the codimension-two embeddability is trivial. But if
some topological constraints are imposed on the codimension-two
embedding we may encounter a bundle of problems on graphs. The
linkless embedding and knotless embedding are well-known examples of
such problems. In this talk we introduce other problems which stand
along the same line.
5/9(火):中村 昭 氏 (広島大学名誉教授)- デジタル結び目の計算量: 紹介と概観および問題
格子点におけるトポロジーの概念がA. Rosenfeldによって1970年代に導入された。
現在 この分野はデジタル・トポロジーとよばれ、その数学的理論と画像解析への応用が活発に展開されている。
講演者はA. Rosenfeldと共著で“デジタル結び目”という概念を導入した。
6/20(火):寺垣内 政一 氏 (広島大学大学院教育学研究科・数学教育学講座
)- Normal closures of slope elements in knot groups and the peripheral Magnus property
特に,Magnus propertyの類似として,非自明な結び目のスロープrとsに対して,
Let $K$ be a nontrivial knot in $S^3$ with the exterior $E(K)$.
A slope element $\gamma$ in $G(K) = \pi_1(E(K))$ is a nontrivial element represented by a simple closed curve on $\partial E(K)$.
Each slope element $\gamma$ defines a normal subgroup $\langle\!\langle \gamma \rangle\!\rangle$,
the normal closure of $\gamma$.
We investigate their relations such as intersection and inclusion.
In particular, we establish the ``peripheral'' Magnus property which asserts that
$\langle\!\langle \gamma_1 \rangle\!\rangle = \langle\!\langle \gamma_2 \rangle\!\rangle$ if and only if $\gamma_1 = \gamma_2$ or
$\gamma_1 = \gamma_2^{-1}$.
7/4(火):直江 央寛 氏 (東北大学)- Shadow complexity が2以下のコルクについて
単連結閉 4 次元多様体とエキゾチックな任意の 4 次元多様体は,
このコルクを系統立てて調べるために shadow complexity を導入する.
本講演では shadow complexity が低い場合の幾つかの例を紹介する.
具体的には,shadow complexity が 0 であるようなコルクが存在しないこと,
そして 1 や 2 の値をもつコルクは無限個存在することについて述べる.
7/11(火):石原 海 氏(山口大学)-Complete classification of generalized crossing changes between GOF-knots
Rathbun 氏との共同研究に基づく。
7/14(金):Julio César Barros (Rio Cuarto University) -NORMAL SECTIONS ON ISOPARAMETRIC HYPERSURFACES
In this talk we will discuss the construction of the polynomials that define planar normal sections on isoparametric hypersurfaces. We will see that these polynomials are homogeneous of degree three. This property allows us to give a characterization of the hypersurfaces of Cartan. We also study the regular level sets of these polynomials, obtaining an interesting property.
10/3(火):Luisa Paoluzzi 氏 (マルセイユ大学)
-Character varieties of knots and their reductions mod p
I will present joint work with Joan Porti (UAB) in which the SL(2,C)-character varieties of certain knots are studied. A first class of examples concerns a family of Montesinos knots whose character varieties contain high-dimensional irreducible components, different from the Teichmuller one. A second class of exemples concerns knots admitting either periodic or free symmetries: in this case, the existence and type of symmetries is reflected in the structure of (part of) the character variety.
The interest of these varieties stems from the fact that they provide toy-examples of possible "ramification" phenomena that can occur when considering character varieties over algebraically closed fields of positive charcateristic, instead of over the field C of complex numbers.
11/14(火):野崎 雄太 氏 (東京大学)
-ホモロジーコボルディズムを用いた 3 次元多様体の不変量
種数 1 で境界成分 1 つの曲面をページとするオープンブック分解を許容しないレンズ空間の存在が森元により示され,その後 Baker によりそのようなレンズ空間が完全に決定された.
主結果の証明においては,整係数 2 次形式や Chebotarev の密度定理などの整数論が重要な役割を果たす.
11/21(火):金 英子 氏 (大阪大学理学研究科), 廣瀬 進 氏 (東京理科大学理工学部)
-Symmetric braids arisen as monodromies of branched virtual fibrations
of closed 3-manifolds
The branched virtual fibration theorem by Sakuma says that
every closed orientable 3-manifold has a surface bundle over the
circle as a 2-fold branched cyclic covering.
It is proved by Brooks that we can make such a surface bundle hyperbolic.
We are interested in the entropies of pseudo-Anosov monodromies of
hyperbolic surface bundles arising in such a way.
In this talk, we introduce the set of spherical braids with some symmetry.
Each braid with 2g+2 strands in our set gives a pseudo-Anosov monodromy
of genus genus g surface bundle which is a 2-fold branched cyclic
covering over some closed 3-manifold.
We show that the minimal entropy of all those braids with 2g+2 strands
in our set behaves like 1/g.
This means that
the minimal entropy of monodromies of all hyperbolic genus g surface
bundles coming from the theorem by Sakuma
is asymptotically small.
11/28(火):井ノ口 順一 氏 (筑波大学)
- 3次元接触多様体上の磁場軌道
12/12(火):作間 誠 氏 (広島大学)
- "Monodromy groups" of Heegaard surfaces of 3-manifolds
前半の話題はDonghi Lee氏との共同研究,
1/15(月):Thomas Koberda 氏 (バージニア大学)
- Free products and diffeomorphisms of compact manifolds
It is a well-known fact that if G and H are groups of homeomorphisms of the interval or of the circle,
then the free product G*H is also a group of homeomorphisms of the interval or of the circle, respectively.
I will discuss higher regularity of group actions,
showing that if G and H are groups of C^{\infty} diffeomorphisms of the interval or of the circle,
then G*H may fail to act by even C^2 diffeomorphisms on any compact one-manifold.
As a corollary, we can classify the right-angled Artin groups
which admit faithful C^2 actions on the circle,
and recover a joint result with H. Baik and S. Kim.
This is joint work with S. Kim.
1/19(金):Norbert A'Campo 氏 (バーゼル大学)
- Uniformisation by minimizing energy of curvature
Let (S,m) be a compact oriented Riemannian surface of genus ≧ 2.
The Energy of Curvature E(S, m), being the integral of the determinant of the Riemannian curvature,
satisfies an inequality, that becomes an equality if and only if the Gaussian curvature is constant = -1.
Hidden in this fact is a proof of the Uniformisation Theorem that we will present.
For a Riemann surface (S, J) let E(S, J, φ) be the energy of E(S,φ*σ)
where φ is a canonical embedding and σ is a Fubini-Study metric on projective space.
Call the metric φ*σ critical if critical point of E.
Many natural questions appear.
阿賀岡 芳夫 E-MAIL :
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