広島大学 トポロジー・幾何セミナー 講演者アブストラクト
2/1:下川 航也(埼玉大学) -Tangle sums and factorization of A-polynomials
(Joint work with Masaharu Ishikawa and Thomas W. Mattman)
We show that there exist infinitely many examples of pairs of knots
which have no epimorphisms of knot groups preserving peripheral
structure although their A-polynomials have factorizations.
Our construction of examples explains why
such a factorization occurs for most of the known factorizations of
knots with 10 or fewer crossings.
In particular, these factorizations are not caused by epimorphisms.
1/25:古宇田 悠哉(東北大学) -Automorphisms of the 3-sphere that preserve
knotted handlebodies of genus two
3 次元球面 $S^3$ 内に埋め込まれたハンドル体 $V$ を,
とよぶ.ハンドル体結び目 $(S^3, V)$ に対し,この対
$\mathcal{MCG}(S^3, V)$ を,ハンドル体のシンメトリ
ー群とよぶことにする.特に,$V$ がソリッドトーラス
であるときには, $(S^3, V)$ のシンメトリー群は,
一方,$V$ が種数 2 の自明なハンドル体結び目である
とき,このシンメトリー群について,1933 年に Goeritz
が有限生成であること,さらに 2008 年に Akbas, Cho
(2004 年に Scharlemann により,有限生成であることの
別証が与えられている.) 本講演では,種数 2 のハンド
1/18:直川 耕祐 氏(大阪大学) -可展的なメビウスの帯の漸近的完備化上の特異点
完備かつ平坦な(Gauss 曲率が0の)3次元ユークリッド空間に,はめ込まれた曲面は,
12/21:長友康行(九州大学) -対称空間上のベクトル束、等径関数およびラドン変換
We systematically construct isoparametric functions on compact symmetric
spaces using vector bundles and sections of the bundles.
We establish a relation between invariants of vector bundles
and invariants of hypersurfaces which are the level sets of the
isoparametric functions induced by sections of the bundles.
The Radon transform is performed to get isoparametric functions on
spheres from our functions. As one of our results, we obtain an
function on the $15$-dimensional sphere found by Ozeki-Takeuchi,
which induces inhomogeneous isoparametric hypersurfaces of the sphere.
12/17:中條 大介(九州大学) -不定値アファイン極小曲面の表現公式とその応用
12/7:早野健太(大阪大学) -On genus-1 simplified broken Lefschetz fibrations
broken Lefschetz fibrationは、near-symplectic構造に適合するファイバー構造として導入された、有限個の円周上で不定値折り目を許すような、Lefschetz fibrationの拡張概念である。本講演では、このよ
うなファイバー空間のうち特別なものである、genus-1 simplified broken
Lefschetz fibrationの分類について、得られた結果を述べる。また、4次元多様体上のsimplified broken Lefschetz fibrationの
11/30:Tamas Kalman(東京工業大学) -Heegaard Floer homology and the Homfly polynomial
I will report on joint work in progress with Andras Juhasz and Jake
Rasmussen. If the oriented link K has a special alternating diagram,
we take the complement of the associated Seifert surface and its
sutured Floer homology, or rather only its Euler characteristic which
can be viewed as a set of points in an integer lattice. We show that
the set is convex by providing an alternative description as the
"hypertree polytope" of a certain hypergraph. We also establish a way
of reading a polynomial I off of the hypertree polytope. (This is a
partial generalization of the Tutte polynomial. Much of the talk will
concentrate on this discrete mathematical construction.) Then, our
main conjecture is that I appears inside the Homfly polynomial of the
original link K, namely it is the part that corresponds to the
leading coefficient of the Alexander polynomial.
11/9:山田 拓身 氏 (島根大学) -コンパクト擬ケーラー多様体の正則ベクトル場について
11/2:矢口 義朗 氏 (広島大学大学院理学研究科) -An infinite type invariant of Hurwitz equivalence on braid systems of
length 4 and its applications to surface braids
10/26:森島 北斗 氏 (大阪大学) -擬等長の環論的不変量について
また、topological groupoidのweak equivalenceに関する理論(Moerdijk理論とSauer理論)について説明しそれらとの関連についても述べる。
10/19:森山 貴之 氏 (京都大学) -葉層多様体における横断的カラビ・ヤウ構造のモジュライ空間
We develop a moduli theory of transverse structures
given by closed forms on foliated manifolds.
We show that the moduli space of transverse Calabi-Yau structures
is a Hausdorff and smooth manifold if the foliation is taut.
In this talk, we will give some examples of
transverse Calabi-Yau structures on foliated manifolds.
9/7:河内 明夫 氏 (大阪市立大学 大学院 理学研究科) -絡み目のもろて性とアレクサンダー不変量
A link L in the 3-sphere S3 is amphicheiral if there is an orientation- reversing homeomorphism h: S3 → S3 sending L to L setwise. The link L is ε-amphicheiral for ε=±1 if further the degree of the restriction of h to every component of L onto a component of L is ε. For example, Hopf link is amphicheiral, but not ε-amphicheiral. Any amphicheiral knot is always ε-amphicheiral for ε=±1 and some properties of the Alexander polynomial has been studied by R. Hartley and the speaker, leading to the confirmation of the non-invertibility of 817.
In this talk, we discuss some numerical invariants on the quadratic form of a disconnected link and the Seifert quadratic form of a disconnected link associated with a Seifert surface to detect the amphicheirality of the link. (The speaker has observed in an earlier paper that the quadratic form and the Seifert quadratic form are different for a general disconnected link.)
A congruence identity (modulo 2) among the numerical invariants is established for any amphicheiral link. Some consequence on the (multi-variable) Alexander polynomial of an amphicheiral link are given. (This result is done in a joint work with Teruhisa Kadokami of East China Normal University.)
7/20:鄭 仁大 氏 (大阪市立大学 数学研究所 (OCAMI)) -On exceptional surgeries on Montesinos knots (joint works with Kazuhiro Ichihara and Shigeru Mizushima)
We will report recent progresses of the sturdy
on exceptional surgeries on Montesinos knots.
In particular, we focus on Seifert fibered surgeries on Montesinos knots.
Actually, we will give an outline of the proof of the following:
Any alternating pretzel knots of type $(2n+1,2m+1,2m+1)$ and of type
$(2n,2m+1,2m+1)$ with $n,m \ge 1$ admit no Seifert fibered surgeries.
The key advantage of our proof is using various knot invariants (e.g.
the Rasmussen invariant and the signature).
7/13:高田 敏恵 氏 (九州大学 大学院 数理学研究院) -A relation between the HOMFLY and Kauffman polynomials for 2-component torus links
A relation between the HOMFLY and Kauffman polynomials
for torus knots was presented by J.M.F. Labastida and E. Perez.
This relation does not hold for torus links.
Recently, S. Stevan suggested a generalization
to 2-component torus links.
We show that this generalization holds for (2,2m)-torus links.
7/6:多羅間 大輔 氏 (京都大学大学院情報学研究科) -Complex Algebraic Geometry of Free Rigid Bodies
It is widely known that the Euler equation for a free rigid body is completely integrable. In fact, its integral curve coincides with the intersection of quadric level surfaces of the first integrals, which is an elliptic curve. In the theory of integrable systems, one often considers the Manakov equation, which is a Lax equation with a parameter, its spectral curve, and the eigenvector mapping. In this talk, presented are two complex algebro-geometric topics arising from free rigid body dynamics. Firstly, considered are the elliptic fi bration coming from the integral curves and that from the spectral curves over the same base space. It is shown that there is a 4 : 1 meromorphic mapping between them. Secondly, studied is the eigenvector mapping associated with the Manakov equation from the view point of the theory of complex algebraic surfaces. It is observed that certain Kummer surfaces are naturally obtained from the eigenvector mappings.
6/29:松田 浩 氏 (広島大学大学院理学研究科) -An extension of Burau representation, and a deformation of Alexander polynomial
We define an extension of Burau representation of the braid groups.
Following the construction of Alexander polynomial of knots
from Burau representation, we will construct a knot invariant
from our extension of Burau representation.
6/15:加藤 宏尚 氏 (広島大学大学院理学研究科) -Geometric structures associated with prehomogeneous vector spaces
A prehomogeneous vector space is a representation of a Lie group
admitting an open orbit. In this talk we show that prehomogeneous vector
spaces correspond to certain
geometric structures on homogeneous spaces. Moreover we describe the
relation between these geometric structures and invariant flat
projective structures, flat affine structures, flat Riemann structures etc.
6/8:張 娟姫 氏 (広島大学大学院理学研究科) -Arborescent links with 3-bridge presentations
An arborescent link is a link obtained by plumbing construction from a weighted tree. Arborescent links form an important family of links which contains 2-bridge links and Montesinos links. In this talk, we give a classification of 3-bridge arborescent links and their 3-bridge presentations up to isotopy.
6/1:久野 雄介 氏 (広島大学大学院理学研究科) -The logarithms of Dehn twists
This talk is based on a joint work with
Nariya Kawazumi (The University of Tokyo).
We give an explicit formula for the total
Johnson map of Dehn twists by introducing
an invariant of loops on a surface.
This invariant can be considered as
"the logarithms" of Dehn twists.
The formula generalizes the classical Picard-Lefschetz
formula, which describes the action on the first
homology of the surface.
For the proof we use a homological interpretation
of the Goldman Lie algebra.
5/27:藤井 忍 氏 (広島大学大学院理学研究科 / 大阪市立大学数学研究所) -Hermite対称空間の等方表現の運動量写像と球面内の等質等径超曲面について
本講演の内容は田丸博士氏 (広島大) との共同研究に基づく.
5/11:佐久間 一浩 氏 (近畿大学理工学部) -Oriented link invariants using symmetric quandles
『微分位相幾何学(Differential Topology)』とは,微分可能多様体(differentiable
manifolds) をその間の微分可能写像(differentiable maps) を用いて研究する分野です。古典的な基本問題を挙げると,微分可能多様体M1,M2が与えられたとき,次の2つは
代表的なものです(J. Milnor, Differential Topology, in “Lectures in Modern MathematicsII”, ed. by T. L. Saaty; Wiley, New York (1964), 165-183 の冒頭より): ・dimM1 = dimM2 ならば,いつM1とM2の間に微分同相写像(diffeomorophism)
・dimM1 < dimM2 ならば,いつM1からM2への埋め込み写像(embedding) ある
いははめ込み写像(immersion) が存在するか否かを判定せよ.存在する場合には,
“微分可能多様体M1,M2が与えられたとき,M1からM2への’良い’ 写像
‘良い’ 写像をどのように定義するかによって問題の様子は異なってきますが,上では多様体の次元によって場合分けして,dimM1 = dimM2 ならば,
良い写像を微分同相写像に、dimM1 < dimM2 ならば,はめ込み・埋め込み写像に設定しています。
場合分けで欠落しているのが,dimM1 > dimM2 のときで,問題は次のようになります:
“微分可能多様体M1; M2 が与えられ,dimM1 > dimM2 のとき,M1から
M2への‘良い’ 写像が存在するか否かを判定せよ!”
この問題の一番簡単な場合がM2 = R のときで,良い写像の候補は,モース関数を除い
4/27:大城 佳奈子 氏 (広島大学大学院理学研究科) -Oriented link invariants using symmetric quandles
Quandle cocycle invariants were introduced for oriented (classical or surface) links and they are usefully applied for several studies of classical links and orientable surface-links. On the other hand, symmetric quandle cocycle invariants were introduced as a quandle invariant for all classical links and surface-links. In this talk, we show that symmetric quandle cocycle invariants are regarded as a generalization of quandle cocycle invariants.
4/20:渋谷 一博 氏 (広島大学大学院理学研究科) -Second order type-changing equations for a scalar function on a plane
本講演の内容は野田尚廣氏(名古屋大学)との共同研究によるものである. 微分式
系の理論の中で微分方程式をJet空間の部分多様体と捉えることが出来る. 我々
また特異性を持つ方程式がどんな性質を持つかを研究している. 本講演では2階1
未知関数2独立変数の単独方程式の中で type-changing equation と呼ばれる特
作間 誠 E-MAIL :
田丸 博士 E-MAIL :
松田 浩 E-MAIL :
渋谷 一博 E-MAIL :