広島大学 トポロジー・幾何セミナー 講演者アブストラクト
1/20 : 佐治 健太郎 氏 −モンド特異点の判定法−
A 同値と呼ばれるものがある。これは局所座標変換で移りあうというもので、
可微分写像芽の A 同値に関する研究は多く行われている。
12/16 : 中西 敏浩 氏 −McShaneの恒等式再論−
G. McShaneの論文``Weierstrass points and simple geodesics'',
Bull. London Math. Soc., 36, (2004), 181-187,
我々の議論の基礎となるのは,1点穴あきトーラス群 $G=\langle a, b\rangle$の
単純双曲元(トーラス上の単純閉曲線に対応する元)の$a$, $b$の語による特徴づけと,
Birman-Series集合の補集合の成分(gap)たちを$G$の$a, b$の回文的生成系の集合に
12/9 : 矢口 義朗 氏 −Hurwitz orbits of braid systems of "standard" type, and its application to braided surface−
今回は4次元に埋め込まれたbraided sufaceのモノドロミーシステムとして
特に2004年のStephan Humphriesの論文の証明方法を
11/21 : 小沢 誠 氏 −Essential surfaces derived from knot and link diagrams−
11/18 : 井上 歩 氏 −Quandle and hyperbolic volume−
11/14 : Stanislaw Spiez 氏 −Embedding of compacta into products−
Some results, obtained jointly with A. Koyama and J.Krasinkiewicz,
on compacta embeddable into Cartesian products of compacta are presented.
We pay special attention to compacta embeddable
into products of curves (i.e. 1-dimensional continua).
Our investigations have been inspired by some results in this direction
established by Borsuk, Cauty, Dydak, Koyama and Kuperberg.
We prove that if $X$ is an $n$-dimensional compactum
which admits an essential map $X\to{\bf S}^n$ into the $n$-sphere
(equivalently, the {\v C}ech cohomology $H^n(X) \neq 0$)
and embeds in a product of $n$ curves, then there exists
an algebraically essential map $X\to{\bf T}^n$ into the $n$-torus.
The same is true if $X$ embeds in the $n$th symmetric product of a curve.
The existence of such a mapping $X\to{\bf T}^n$ is equivalent to
the existence of elements $a_1,\cdots,a_n\in H^1(X)$
whose cup product $a_1\cup\cdots\cup a_n\in H^n(X)$ is non-zero,
and implies that $\rank H^1(X)\geq n$ and $\cat X>n$.
In particular, ${\bf S}^n$, $n\geq 2$, is not embeddable
in the $n$th symmetric product of any curve.
The case of ${\bf S}^2$ answers in the negative
a question of Illanes and Nadler.
Also, it follows that neither the projective plane nor the Klein bottle
can be embedded in the second symmetric product of any curve.
We introduce some new classes of $n$-dimensional continua and
show that embeddability of locally connected {\it quasi $n$-manifolds}
into products of $n$ curves also implies $\rank H^1(X)\geq n$.
Applying this (with $n=2$) to either the "Bing house" or the "dunce hat"
we infer that neither is embeddable in a product of two curves.
So, each is a 2-dimensional contractible polyhedron
not embeddable in any product of two curves.
On the other hand, we show that any collapsible 2-dimensional polyhedron
(e.g. the cone over a graph) can be embedded
in a product of two {\it trees} (i.e. acyclic graphs).
We answer a question posed by Cauty proving that
closed surfaces embeddable in products of two curves
can be also embedded in products of two graphs.
We prove that no closed surface $\neq{\bf T}^2$
lying in a product of two curves is a retract of that product.
11/11 : 松本 堯生 氏 −On the smooth unknotting conjecture in dimension four−
Any 2-knot is represented by closing a 2-braid.
By generalizing the Markov type theorem due to Kamada and
using the deformation theory of chart diagrams,
the conjecture will be reduced to a special case.
We will discuss also this special case as the final step of the proof.
11/4 : Andreas Kollross 氏 −Manifolds with large isotropy groups−
It is a well known classical result that two-point homogeneous spaces,
i.e. Riemannian manifolds where any ordered pair of equidistant points
can be mapped to any other such pair by an isometry, are exactly the
rank-one symmetric and Euclidean spaces. Two-point homogeneity is
equivalent to the condition that the isotropy action at any point is of
cohomogeneity one. Thus, Riemannian manifolds whose isotropy actions are
of cohomogeneity one are well known and it is a natural generalization
to ask which Riemannian manifolds have isotropy actions of low
cohomogeneity. We present a classification of Riemannian manifolds whose
isotropy groups act with cohomogeneity less than or equal to two. Joint
work with Evangelia Samiou.
10/28 : 市原 一裕 氏 −On cyclic and finite surgery on knots
(partially joint work with In Dae Jong (Osaka City University))−
We will consider Dehn surgeries on hyperbolic knots in the 3-sphere
yielding 3-manifolds with cyclic or finite fundamental groups.
Actually we will show the following;
1) Suppose that $\gamma$-Dehn surgery on a hyperbolic knot in the 3-sphere
yields a 3-manifold with cyclic or finite fundamental group,
and there exists an essential surface of genus $g$
with boundary slope $\beta$ in the exterior of the knot.
Then the inequality $ | \gamma - \beta | \leq 4 g - 1 $ always holds.
This gives an extension of a part of the conjecture
raised by Goda and Teragaito.
2) (joint work with In Dae Jong)
Suppose that a hyperbolic Montesinos knot admits a non-trivial Dehn surgery
yielding a 3-manifold with cyclic fundamental group.
Then the knot must be equivalent to the (?2,3,7)-pretzel knot and
the surgery slope is 18 or 19.
Suppose that a hyperbolic Montesinos knot admits a non-trivial Dehn surgery
yielding a 3-manifold with acyclic finite fundamental group.
Then the knot must be equivalent to
either the (?2,3,7)-pretzel knot and the surgery slope is 17,
or the (?2,3,9)-pretzel knot and the surgery slope is 22 or 23.
This gives a complete classification of the Dehn surgeries
on Montesinos knots which yield manifolds
with cyclic or finite fundamental groups.
10/21 : 廣瀬 進 氏 −大きな周期の周期的写像について−
向き付けられた種数 g の閉曲面上の向きを保つ周期的写像の
周期が,4g+2 以下である事が Wiman によって示されている.
それからほぼ100年後,Kulkarni により,g > 3 の場合,
周期 4g 以上の周期的写像がある2種類の周期的写像の
ここでは,g > 12 の場合に,周期 3g 以上の周期的写像が
10/14 : Sungbok HONG 氏 −Topological characterizations of certain limit points−
We will discuss a certain type of limit points of the universal
covering group of the hyperbolic manifold which are defined purely
in terms of local topological dynamics
of the action on the sphere at the infinity.
Those are analogous to characterization of conical limit points.
7/22 : 田中 心 氏 −絡み目射影図の補領域について−
この研究は, Colin C. Adams 氏(Bronfman Science Center,
Williams College)と新庄玲子 氏(大阪市立大学数学研究所)
講演者たちの知る限り, 絡み目射影図の補領域の形や個数に関する
研究は少ないように思われる. 本講演では, "ある特徴"を持った絡
み目図式を導入する. これは, 絡み目を空間グラフとして捉える事
により得られる. この図式を用いて, 絡み目射影図の補領域の形や
個数に関する考察をし, 得られた結果を紹介する.
7/15 : 逆井 卓也 氏 −Homology cylinders in knot theory−
This is a joint work with
Hiroshi Goda (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology).
Two concepts, sutured manifolds and homology cylinders, treating
cobordisms between surfaces are compared.
The former ones defined by Gabai are useful to study knots
and 3-dimensional manifolds, and the latter are in an important position
in the recent theory of the mapping class group,
homology cobordisms of surfaces and finite-type invariants.
In my talk, we first introduce "homological fibered knots" to relate
Then we use this relationship to give an application to
a lower estimate of the handle number (Morse-Novikov number)
of a homological fibered knot with a minimal genus Seifert surface.
7/8 : Jair Remigio Juarez 氏 −On the Heegaard genera of coverings−
A Seifert manifold M is a closed 3-manifold which is a disjoint union of
circles (fibers). Seifert manifolds play an important role in
low-dimensional topology because there is a classification theorem for
them. This classification was made by using the ``Seifert symbol''
associated to each Seifert manifold.\\
In fact, Boileau and Zieschang computed $h(M)$ for almost all the
orientable Seifert manifolds (where $h(M)$ denotes the Heegaard genus
$M$) and the expression for $h(M)$ depends on the ``Seifert symbol'' of
On the other hand, it is well known that if $\varphi:\tilde{M}\to M$ is
covering of $M$ branched along fibers, then $\tilde{M}$ is a Seifert
manifold too. An interesting question arising from here is\ldots What
Seifert manifold $\tilde{M}$ is?.\\
In this talk, we will find the Seifert symbol for $\tilde{M}$ when $M$
an orientable Seifert manifold. Furthermore, we will compare the
genera of the coverings of $M$ branched along fibers against the
genus of $M$, getting examples of Seifert manifolds $N$ with infinite
fundamental group that admit coverings $\tilde{N}$ satisfying that
7/1 : 佐藤 進 氏 −Triviality of 2-knot with one or two sheets−
6/24 : 石川 昌治 氏 −Quasipositive ファイバー曲面の tight 性とその応用−
L.Rudolph は複素平面曲線から (strongly) quasipositive リンクを導入し、さらに quasipositive
曲面を定義した。Quasipositive 曲面は、その部分曲面がすべて quasipositive になるという性質があり、ある種の rigidity
を持つ面白い研究対象といえる。M.Hedden は3次元球面のオープンブック分解がtight な接触構造と両立することと、そのファイバー曲面が
quasipositiveであることが同値であることを、ホッププラミングを使って証明した。講演者は S.Baader 氏との共同研究で、Hedden の結果のホッププラミングを使わない直接的な別証明を与えた。講演では
quasipositive 曲面を中心に上の結果を解説し、また、その応用として、ケーブルリンクの接触構造に関する一考察を紹介する。
6/17 : 島田 伊知朗 氏 −Zariski-van Kampenの定理の一般化とグラスマン双対多様体−
Zariski-van Kampenの定理の一般化を定式化して証明し,応用として,グラスマン双対多様体の補集合の基本群に対する超平面切断定理を示し,Auroux,
Donaldson, Katzarkov, Yotovの予想と,コンパクトリーマン面のブレイド群の関係について述べる.
6/3 : Ser Peow Tan 氏 −SL(2,C) characters with a rational end invariant−
An essential simple closed curve on the one-holed torus is a rational
end invariant of an SL(2,C) character if its image is elliptic in
SL(2,C). We study the set of SL(2,C) characters of the one-holed torus
which has a fixed simple closed curve as an end invariant, and show that
the slices where this is the only end invariant has strikingly different
behavior, depending on whether the elliptic element is a rational or
irrational rotation. In the former case, the slice has fractal boundary,
in the latter case the boundary is smooth. This is joint work with
Haibin Wang from NUS.
5/27 : 田丸 博士 氏 −非コンパクト等質 Einstein 多様体について−
非コンパクト等質 Einstein 多様体は全て可解多様体である, という予想はAlekseevskii 予想と呼ばれており,
現在までのところ反例は見付かっていない.そこで, 非コンパクト等質 Einstein 多様体の研究に於いて, 以下は自然な問題である: (1)
Einstein 可解多様体を構成する問題, (2) 知られている Einstein可解多様体の性質を調べる問題, (3) リー群が左不変
Einstein 計量を持つための障害に関する問題. 本講演ではこれらの問題に関して, 既知の結果や我々の最近の研究の結果を紹介すると共に,
5/20 : 酒井 高司 氏 −複素球面内の特殊Lagrange部分多様体の構成について−
5/14 : Joseph Maher 氏 −Random walks on the mapping class group−
The mapping class group of a surface is the group of all
diffeomorphisms of the surface to itself, up to isotopy. If the surface
is a disc with punctures, then this gives rise to the braid groups. We
will discuss various asymptotic properties of random walks on these
groups, i.e. what happens as the length of the random walk tends to
infinity? In particular, the probability that a random walk of length n
is pseudo-Anosov tends to one, as n tends to infinity, and if you use a
random walk on the mapping class group of a closed surface as a gluing
map for a Heegaard splitting, the probability that you get a hyperbolic
manifold tends to one.
5/13 : Joseph Maher 氏 −Heegaard splittings and virtual fibers−
We show that if a manifold has infintely many covers of bounded
Heegaard genus, then the manifold is virtually fibered. This
generalizes a result of Lackenby.
4/30 : 矢口 義朗 氏 −4次のブレイド群のHurwitz作用について−
4/22 : 西信 洋和 氏 −Non-commutativity of self-homotopy groups of some simple p-compact groups−
compact Lie群の自己ホモトピー群の非可換性についてはある程度知られている。
本講演では、compact Lie群の一般化であるp-compact群の自己ホモトピー群の非
作間 誠 E-MAIL : sakuma@math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp
田丸 博士
E-MAIL : tamaru@math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp