
  • 第一回

    講演者: 植村 誠氏 (広島大・宇宙科学センター)


    講演題目: スパースモデリングの宇宙物理学への応用


  • 第二回

    講演者: 若木 宏文氏(広島大・理)



    ウィルクスのラムダ分布は,多変量分散分析において検定統計量の分布として現れる分布であるが,多変量線形回帰モデルにおける変数選択基準の一致性にも関 係がある.ウィルクスのラムダ分布の漸近展開近似と誤差評価,および,変数選択基準の一致性に関連した,分布の裾確率の評価について報告する.

  • 第三回

    講演者: 早川 和彦氏(広島大・社会科学研究科)


    講演題目:Identification Problem of GMM estimators for Short Panel Data Models with Interactive Fixed Effects


  • 第四回

    講演者: 山田 宏氏(広島大・社会科学研究科)


    講演題目:l1 Trend Filtering and a Practical Method for Selecting the Tuning Parameter

    マクロ経済・金融データの分析では,ホドリック・プレスコット・フィルター(HPフィルター)と呼ばれるトレンド抽出フィルターが大変ポピュラーである. 近年,HPフィルター類似のl1トレンド・フィルターと呼ばれるフィルターが提案された. HPフィルターとl1トレンド・フィルターの間の関係は,ちょうど,リッジ回帰とlasso回帰の関係である. 本報告では,l1トレンド・フィルターのチューニング・パラメーターを選定する一つのプラクティカルな方法を提示する.

  • 第五回

    講演者: 稲津 佑氏(広島大学)

    日時:7月11日 15時10分〜


    統計的推測において, 何らかの仮説を検定するための手法のひとつに尤度比検定がある. 尤度比検定統計量は特定の正則条件の下でカイ二乗分布に分布収束することが知られているため, この漸近性質を用いて検定を行うことが可能となる. しかしながら, 正則条件が成立しない場合, 特にパラメータ空間の境界に真値があるとき, 検定統計量はカイ二乗分布には分布収束せず, 精度の悪い漸近理論しか用意され ていないという問題がある. 本発・\では, ランダムエフェクトパラレルプロファイルモデルにおける共分散構造に関する尤度比・E汳闢搆v量の分布関数に対して, 正則条件が成立していない下での漸近展開公式を導出する.

  • 第六回

    講演者: Hiroko Kato Solvang氏(Institute of Marine Research, Norway)


    講演題目:Genomic identification of significant difference for DNA copy number profiles in tumor progression

    Breast Cancer is heterogeneous disease both on the clinical and the molecular level. Our aim of this study is to compare array CGH DNA profiles of various stages of breast tumor as a surrogate of the course of tumorgenesis and identify significant aberrations that may be driving the process at each stage. For the challenge, applying GISTIC (Genomic Identification of Significant Targets in Cancer(2007)) to the data for each stage could identify likely driver somatic copy-number alterations (SCNA) by evaluating the frequency and amplitude of observed events. To directly identify significant difference for genome-wide copy number profiles in tumor progress, we propose a new approach of Genomic Identification Significant Difference for DNA copy number profiles in Tumor Progress (GISDIP).

  • 第七回

    講演者: 栗田 多喜夫氏(広島大学)


    講演題目:Optimum Nonlinear Discriminant Analysis and Discriminant Kernels

    Recently the kernel discriminant analysis has been successfully applied in many applications. However, the kernel function is usually defined a priori and it is not known what is the optimum kernel function for nonlinear discriminant analysis. Also the class information is not usually introduced to define the kernel functions. In this talk, the optimal kernel function in terms of the discriminant criterion (called discriminant kernel) is shown by investigating the optimum discriminant mapping constructed by optimum nonlinear discriminant analysis. The discriminant kernel is given by using the Bayesian a posterior probabilities. For real applications, a family of discriminant kernels can be derived by changing the estimation method of the Bayesian a posterior probabilities. Some examples of discriminant kernels are shown and the effectiveness of discriminant kernels is verified by several experiments using UCI ML repository datasets.

  • 第八回

    講演者: 奥井 亮 氏 (京都大・経済研究所)


    講演題目:Dynamic Panel Data Analysis when the Dynamics are Heterogeneous

    This paper considers the analysis of panel data whose dynamic structure is heterogeneous across individuals. Our aim is to estimate the cross-sectional distribution and/or some distributional features of the heterogeneous autocovariance. We do not assume any specific model of the dynamics. Our proposed method is simple and easy to implement. We first compute the sample autocovariance for each individual and then estimate the parameter of interest based on the empirical distribution of the estimated autocovariances. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are investigated using double asymptotics under which both the cross-sectional sample size (N) and the length of the time series (T) tend to infinity. The functional central limit theorem for the empirical process of the proposed distribution estimator is proved. By using the functional delta method, we also derive the asymptotic distribution of the estimator of various parameters of interest. We show that the distribution estimator exhibits a bias whose order is proportional to 1/ T. On the other hand, when the parameter of interest can be written as the expectation of a smooth function of the heterogeneous autocovariance, the bias is of order 1/T and can be corrected by the jackknife method. The results of Monte Carlo simulations show that our asymptotic results are informative regarding the finite-sample properties of the estimators. They also indicate that the proposed jackknife bias correction is successful.

  • 第九回

    講演者: 田中 晋矢 氏 (小樽商科大学・経済)


    講演題目:Identification of Approximate Factor Models through Heteroskedasticity

    This paper proposes a new identification scheme for stationary large dimensional factor models through heteroskedasticity of factors based on the idea of Rigobon (2003,REStat). Our model assumes there exists one break in a variance-covariance matrix of factors while factor loadings are invariant through regimes. We employ these information as identifying restrictions and estimate true factors by estimating rotation matrices directly by minimum distance (MD) estimation. Since we confront a non-standard situation in the MD estimation, asymptotic properties of the MD estimator are investigated. Monte-Carlo simulation gives us encouraging evidences that finite sample properties of the MD estimator are plausible ones.

  • 第十回

    講演者: 二宮 嘉行 氏 (九州大学・IMI)




  • 第十一回

    講演者1:川久保 友超 氏 (東京大学・経済・D2) 講演者2: 菅澤 翔之助 氏 (東京大学・経済・M2)



    本報告では,線形混合モデル(linear mixed model, LMM)において,推定に用・「る共変量と予測に用いる共変量の値が異なる状況下での変数選択規準を,LMMの変数選択によく用いられる条件付AICを修正するかたちで提案する.さらに,LMMを用いた小地域推定問題への,提案手法の応用可能性を考察する.



  • 第十二回

    講演者:森本 康彦 氏 (広島大学・工学研究院)

    日時:2015年2月6日 15時00分〜



  • 第十三回

    講演者:片山 直也 氏 (関西大学・経済)

    日時:2015年2月20日 15時00分〜

    講演題目:The portmanteau tests and the LM test for ARMA models with uncorrelated errors

    In this article, we investigate the portmanteau tests and the Lagrange multiplier (LM) test for goodness of fit in autoregressive and moving average models with uncorrelated errors. Under the assumption that the error is not independent, the classical portmanteau tests and LM test are asymptotically distributed as a weighted sum of chi-squared random variables that can be far from the chi-squared distribution. To conduct the tests, we must estimate these weights using nonparametric methods. Therefore, by employing the method of Kiefer, Vogelsang, and Bunzel (2000, Econometrica), we propose new test statistics for the portmanteau tests and the LM test. The asymptotic null distribution of these test statistics is not standard, but can be tabulated by means of simulations. In finite-sample simulations, we demonstrate that our proposed test has a good ability to control the type I error, and that the loss of power is not substantial. 

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