module gf2xe !=============================================================================== ! Fortran 90/95 Module for GF(2)[x] computation !=============================================================================== use iso_fortran_env implicit none private public :: gf2x_obj public :: gf2x_prime_obj public :: new,delete public :: print_bit,print_hex public :: get_deg public :: set_coef, set_prime public :: assign public :: add, add_assign public :: mult, mult_assign public :: pow, square public :: div, rem, divrem public :: mult_by_x, div_by_x, mod_by_x public :: shift public :: deg_i32, mult_i32, square_i32, shift_i32 public :: mult_i32_old public :: pow_mod public :: pow_pow_2 integer(INT32), parameter :: MAX_KARA = 64 type gf2x_obj integer(INT32), pointer :: c(:) => NULL() integer(INT32) :: deg = -1 integer(INT32) :: size = -1 end type type gf2x_prime_obj type(gf2x_obj) :: prime_poly type(gf2x_obj) :: barrett_poly integer(INT32) :: deg end type interface new module procedure gf2x_new module procedure gf2x_delete_prime end interface interface delete module procedure gf2x_delete module procedure gf2x_delete_prime end interface interface print_bit module procedure gf2x_print_bit end interface interface print_hex module procedure gf2x_print_hex end interface interface set_coef module procedure gf2x_set_coef end interface interface set_prime module procedure gf2x_set_prime end interface interface assign module procedure gf2x_assign end interface interface add module procedure gf2x_add end interface interface add_assign module procedure gf2x_add_assign end interface interface mult module procedure gf2x_mult_kara end interface interface mult_assign module procedure gf2x_mult_assign_kara end interface interface pow module procedure gf2x_pow end interface interface pow_mod ! module procedure gf2x_pow module procedure gf2x_pow_mod end interface interface square module procedure gf2x_square end interface interface mult_by_x module procedure gf2x_mult_by_x end interface interface mod_by_x module procedure gf2x_mod_by_x end interface interface div_by_x module procedure gf2x_div_by_x end interface interface div module procedure gf2x_div end interface interface rem module procedure gf2x_rem module procedure gf2x_rem_barrett end interface interface divrem module procedure gf2x_divrem end interface interface shift module procedure gf2x_shift end interface interface pow_pow_2 module procedure gf2x_pow_pow_2 end interface contains !!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES FORCEINLINE :: get_size function get_size(deg) result(size) integer(INT32) :: deg,size size = CEILING(real(deg+1,kind=REAL64)/32.0_REAL64) return end function subroutine gf2x_new(this,deg) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: this integer(INT32), intent(in) :: deg integer(INT32) :: isize intrinsic :: SIZE if (deg < 0) then this%deg = -1 this%size = -1 return endif isize = get_size(deg) this%size = isize this%deg = deg if (.not.associated(this%c)) then allocate(this%c(0:isize-1)) else if (SIZE(this%c) < this%size) then deallocate(this%c) NULLIFY(this%c) allocate(this%c(0:isize-1)) endif endif this%c(:) = 0 return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_delete(this) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: this integer(INT32) :: ierr if (associated(this%c)) then deallocate(this%c,STAT=ierr) endif NULLIFY(this%c) this%deg = -1 this%size = -1 return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_print_bit(this) type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: this integer(INT32) :: i,ib,iw,deg deg = get_deg(this) if (deg < 0) then write(*,'("0")') return endif do i=deg,0,-1 ib = mod(i,32) iw = i/32 if (BTEST(this%c(iw),ib)) then write(*,'("1",$)') else write(*,'("0",$)') endif enddo write(*,'("")') return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_print_hex(this) type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: this integer(INT32) :: i,ib,iw,isize character(9) :: str if (is_zero(this)) then write(*,'("0")') return endif isize = get_size(this%deg) i = isize-1 write(str,'(Z8)')this%c(i) write(*,'(A,$)')TRIM(ADJUSTL(str)) do i=isize-2,0,-1 write(*,'(Z8.8,$)')this%c(i) enddo write(*,'("")') return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_assign(c,a) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: c ! c := a type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a integer(INT32) :: ia,isa,i call delete(c) if (is_zero(a)) then return endif ia = get_deg(a) isa = get_size(ia) call new(c,ia) do i=0,isa-1 c%c(i) = a%c(i) enddo return end subroutine function is_zero(a) result(is) type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a logical :: is integer(INT32) :: deg deg = get_deg(a) if (deg==-1) then is = .true. else is = .false. endif return end function !!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES FORCEINLINE :: get_deg function get_deg(a) result(deg) type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a integer(INT32) :: deg integer(INT32) :: isize,i,top_deg intrinsic :: SIZE deg=-1 if (.not.associated(a%c)) return isize = SIZE(a%c) do i=isize-1,0,-1 if (a%c(i) /= 0) then top_deg = deg_i32(a%c(i)) deg = 32*i + top_deg return endif enddo return end function subroutine gf2x_set_coef(a,i) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: a integer(INT32), intent(in) :: i type(gf2x_obj), pointer :: w integer(INT32) :: ib,iw NULLIFY(w) if (is_zero(a)) then call new(a,i) endif allocate(w) call new(w,i) iw = i/32 ib = mod(i,32) w%c(iw) = ibset(w%c(iw),ib) call add_assign(w,a) ! w := w + a call assign(a,w) ! a := w call delete(w) deallocate(w) NULLIFY(w) a%deg = get_deg(a) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_add_assign(c,a) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: c ! c := c + a type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a type(gf2x_obj), pointer :: w integer(INT32) :: ia,ic integer(INT32) :: isa,isc,i if (is_zero(a)) then return endif if (is_zero(c)) then call assign(c,a) return endif ia = a%deg ic = c%deg isa = a%size isc = c%size if (isc < isa) then NULLIFY(w) allocate(w) call new(w,MAX(ia,ic)) do i=0,isc-1 w%c(i) = IEOR(c%c(i),a%c(i)) enddo do i=isc,isa-1 w%c(i) = a%c(i) enddo call assign(c,w) call delete(w) deallocate(w) NULLIFY(w) else do i=0,isa-1 c%c(i) = IEOR(c%c(i),a%c(i)) enddo c%deg = get_deg(c) c%size = get_size(c%deg) endif return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_add(c,a,b) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: c ! c := a + b type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a,b integer(INT32) :: ia,ib,ic integer(INT32) :: isa,isb,isc,i if (is_zero(a) .and. is_zero(b)) then return endif if (is_zero(a)) then call assign(c,b) return endif if (is_zero(b)) then call assign(c,a) return endif ia = get_deg(a) ib = get_deg(b) isa = get_size(ia) isb = get_size(ib) if (c%deg < MAX(ia,ib)) call new(c,MAX(ia,ib)) if (isa < isb) then do i=0,isa-1 c%c(i) = IEOR(a%c(i),b%c(i)) enddo do i=isa,isb-1 c%c(i) = b%c(i) enddo else do i=0,isb-1 c%c(i) = IEOR(a%c(i),b%c(i)) enddo do i=isb,isa-1 c%c(i) = a%c(i) enddo endif c%deg = get_deg(c) c%size = get_size(c%deg) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_pow(c,a,e) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: c ! c = a**e type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a integer(INT32), intent(in) :: e type(gf2x_obj), pointer :: w integer(INT32) :: ch,cl integer(INT32) :: i,deg NULLIFY(w) call delete(c) if (e==1) then call assign(c,a) return endif if (e==0) then call set_coef(c,0) return endif if (e<0) then write(*,*)"pow: c = a^e : exponent should be e>=0." stop endif if (is_zero(a)) return deg = deg_i32(e) allocate(w) call set_coef(c,0) do i=deg,0,-1 call square(w,c) ! w := c**2 if (BTEST(e,i)) then call mult(c,w,a) ! c := w * a else call assign(c,w) ! c := w endif enddo call delete(w) deallocate(w) NULLIFY(w) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_square(c,a) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: c ! c := a**2 type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a integer(INT32) :: ch,cl integer(INT32) :: i,deg call delete(c) if (is_zero(a)) return deg = a%deg*2 call new(c,deg) do i=0,a%size-1 if (a%c(i) == 0) cycle call square_i32(a%c(i),ch,cl) if (cl /= 0) c%c(2*i) = IEOR(c%c(2*i), cl) if (ch /= 0) c%c(2*i+1) = IEOR(c%c(2*i+1),ch) enddo c%deg = get_deg(c) c%size = get_size(c%deg) return end subroutine recursive subroutine gf2x_mult_kara(c,a,b) ! ! multiply 2 polyomials using Karatsuba algorithm ! type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: c ! c := a * b type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a,b type(gf2x_obj), pointer :: ah,al,bh,bl,ahbh,albl,ahl,bhl,ahlbhl integer(INT32) :: isa,isb,isc integer(INT32) :: i,j,deg NULLIFY(ah,al,bh,bl,ahbh,albl,ahl,bhl,ahlbhl) call delete(c) if (is_zero(a)) return if (is_zero(b)) return isa = a%size isb = b%size isc = MAX(isa,isb) if (isc < MAX_KARA) then call gf2x_mult_normal(c,a,b) return endif if (mod(isc,2)/=0) then isc = isc + 1 endif allocate(ah,al,bh,bl,ahbh,albl,ahl,bhl,ahlbhl) deg = 32*(isc/2)-1 call new(al,deg) call new(bl,deg) call new(ah,deg) call new(bh,deg) do i=0,MIN(isc/2-1,isa-1) al%c(i) = a%c(i) enddo do i=0,MIN(isc/2-1,isb-1) bl%c(i) = b%c(i) enddo do i=isc/2,isa-1 ah%c(i-isc/2) = a%c(i) enddo do i=isc/2,isb-1 bh%c(i-isc/2) = b%c(i) enddo ah%deg = get_deg(ah) al%deg = get_deg(al) bh%deg = get_deg(bh) bl%deg = get_deg(bl) ah%size = get_size(ah%deg) al%size = get_size(al%deg) bh%size = get_size(bh%deg) bl%size = get_size(bl%deg) !=================================== call add(ahl,ah,al) call add(bhl,bh,bl) call gf2x_mult_kara(ahlbhl,ahl,bhl) call delete(ahl) call delete(bhl) deallocate(ahl,bhl) !=================================== call gf2x_mult_kara(ahbh,ah,bh) call delete(ah) call delete(bh) deallocate(ah,bh) call add_assign(ahlbhl,ahbh) !=================================== call gf2x_mult_kara(albl,al,bl) call delete(al) call delete(bl) deallocate(al,bl) call add_assign(ahlbhl,albl) !=================================== deg = a%deg + b%deg call new(c,deg) do i=0,MIN(c%size,albl%size)-1 c%c(i) = albl%c(i) enddo call delete(albl) if (.not. is_zero(ahlbhl)) then do i=isc/2,MIN(c%size,isc/2+ahlbhl%size)-1 c%c(i) = IEOR(c%c(i),ahlbhl%c(i-isc/2)) enddo endif call delete(ahlbhl) if (.not. is_zero(ahbh)) then do i=isc,MIN(c%size,isc+ahbh%size)-1 c%c(i) = IEOR(c%c(i),ahbh%c(i-isc)) enddo endif call delete(ahbh) deallocate(ahbh,albl,ahlbhl) NULLIFY(ah,al,bh,bl,ahbh,albl,ahl,bhl,ahlbhl) c%deg = get_deg(c) c%size = get_size(c%deg) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_mult_assign_kara(a,b) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: a ! a := a * b type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: b type(gf2x_obj), pointer :: w NULLIFY(w) if (is_zero(a)) then call delete(a) return endif if (is_zero(b)) then call delete(a) return endif allocate(w) call gf2x_mult_kara(w,a,b) call assign(a,w) call delete(w) deallocate(w) NULLIFY(w) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_mult_assign_normal(a,b) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: a ! a := a * b type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: b type(gf2x_obj), pointer :: w integer(INT32) :: ch,cl integer(INT32) :: i,j,deg NULLIFY(w) allocate(w) deg = a%deg + b%deg call new(w,deg) call gf2x_mult_normal(w,a,b) call assign(a,w) ! a := w call delete(w) deallocate(w) NULLIFY(w) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_mult_normal(c,a,b) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: c ! c := a * b type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a,b integer(INT32) :: ch,cl integer(INT32) :: i,j,ij,deg,kk,mm integer(INT32), allocatable :: hi(:,:),lo(:,:) call delete(c) if (is_zero(a) .or. is_zero(b) ) then return endif deg = a%deg + b%deg call new(c,deg) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do j=0,c%size-2 kk = MIN(j, a%size-1) mm = MAX(0,j-b%size+1) do i=mm,kk call mult_i32(a%c(i),b%c(j-i),ch,cl) c%c(j) = IEOR(c%c(j), cl) c%c(j+1) = IEOR(c%c(j+1),ch) enddo enddo j=c%size-1 kk = a%size-1 mm = c%size-b%size do i=mm,kk call mult_i32(a%c(i),b%c(j-i),ch,cl) c%c(j) = IEOR(c%c(j), cl) enddo ! do j=0,b%size-1 ! if (b%c(j) == 0) cycle ! do i=0,a%size-1 ! if (a%c(i) == 0) cycle ! ij = i + j ! call mult_i32(a%c(i),b%c(j),ch,cl) ! c%c(ij) = IEOR(c%c(ij), cl) ! if (ij+1 0) then do j=0,isa-1 call shift_i32(a%c(j),+ib,ch,cm,cl) if (ch /= 0) c%c(j+iw+1) = IEOR(c%c(j+iw+1),ch) if (cm /= 0) c%c(j+iw) = IEOR(c%c(j+iw) ,cm) enddo else call shift_i32(a%c(iw),-ib,ch,cm,cl) if (cm /= 0) c%c(0) = IEOR(c%c(0),cm) do j=iw+1,isa-1 call shift_i32(a%c(j),-ib,ch,cm,cl) if (cm /= 0) c%c(j-iw) = IEOR(c%c(j-iw) ,cm) if (cl /= 0) c%c(j-iw-1) = IEOR(c%c(j-iw-1),cl) enddo endif c%deg = get_deg(c) c%size = get_size(c%deg) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_divrem(q,r,a,b) ! a =: q * b + r type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: q ! q := a div b type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: r ! r := a mod b type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a,b type(gf2x_obj), pointer :: w,t,s integer(INT32) :: ida,idb,idw call delete(q) call delete(r) ida = a%deg idb = b%deg if (ida < idb) then call assign(r,a) return endif NULLIFY(w,t,s) allocate(w,t,s) call assign(w,a) idw = w%deg do call mult_by_x(t,b,idw-idb) ! t := b * x^(deg(w)-deg(b)) call set_coef(s,idw-idb) ! s := s + x^(deg(w)-deg(b)) call add_assign(w,t) ! w := w + t call delete(t) idw = w%deg if (idw < idb) exit enddo call assign(r,w) call delete(w) call assign(q,s) call delete(s) deallocate(w,t,s) NULLIFY(w,t,s) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_div(q,a,b) ! a =: q * b + r type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: q ! q := a div b type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a,b type(gf2x_obj), pointer :: w,t,s integer(INT32) :: ida,idb,idw call delete(q) ida = a%deg idb = b%deg if (ida < idb) then return endif NULLIFY(w,t,s) allocate(w,t,s) call assign(w,a) idw = w%deg do call mult_by_x(t,b,idw-idb) ! t := b * x^(deg(w)-deg(b)) call set_coef(s,idw-idb) ! s := s + x^(deg(w)-deg(b)) call add_assign(w,t) ! w := w + t call delete(t) idw = w%deg if (idw < idb) exit enddo call delete(w) call assign(q,s) call delete(s) deallocate(w,t,s) NULLIFY(w,t,s) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_rem(r,a,b) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: r ! r := a mod b type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a,b type(gf2x_obj), pointer :: w,t integer(INT32) :: ida,idb,idw call delete(r) ida = a%deg idb = b%deg if (ida < idb) then call assign(r,a) return endif NULLIFY(w,t) allocate(w,t) call assign(w,a) idw = w%deg do call mult_by_x(t,b,idw-idb) ! t := b * x^(deg(w)-deg(b)) call add_assign(w,t) ! w := w + t call delete(t) idw = w%deg if (idw < idb) exit enddo call assign(r,w) call delete(w) deallocate(w,t) NULLIFY(w,t) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_set_prime(mp,m) ! ! Set a primitive polynomial to the cotainer. ! the container contains the prime poly and precomputed polynomial for Barrett reduciont. ! This routine does not check the primitivity. ! mp : container ! m : primitive polynomial ! type(gf2x_prime_obj), intent(inout) :: mp type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: m type(gf2x_obj), pointer :: xx integer(INT32) :: deg call delete(mp) call assign(mp%prime_poly,m) deg = get_deg(m) mp%deg = deg NULLIFY(xx) allocate(xx) call set_coef(xx,2*deg) call div(mp%barrett_poly,xx,m) call delete(xx) deallocate(xx) NULLIFY(xx) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_delete_prime(mp) type(gf2x_prime_obj), intent(inout) :: mp call delete(mp%prime_poly) call delete(mp%barrett_poly) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_rem_barrett(r,a,m) ! ! compute r := a mod m using Barrett algorithm ! type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: r ! r := a mod m type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a type(gf2x_prime_obj), intent(in) :: m ! precomputed polynomial for Barrett algorithm type(gf2x_obj), pointer :: q,p integer(INT32) :: deg call delete(r) deg = m%deg if (a%deg < deg) then call assign(r,a) return endif NULLIFY(q,p) allocate(q,p) call div_by_x(q,a,deg) ! q = a / x**deg call mod_by_x(r,a,deg) ! r = a mod x**deg call mult_assign(q,m%barrett_poly) ! q = q * mu call div_by_x(p,q,deg) ! p = q / x**deg call mult_assign(p,m%prime_poly) ! p = p * m call mod_by_x(q,p,deg) ! q = p mod x**deg call add_assign(r,q) ! r = r + q call delete(p) call delete(q) deallocate(p,q) NULLIFY(p,q) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_mod_by_x(c,a,i) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: c ! c := a mod x^i type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a integer(INT32), intent(in) :: i type(gf2x_obj), pointer :: w integer(INT32) :: iw,ib,j call delete(c) if (a%deg < i) then call assign(c,a) return endif if (i == 0) then call delete(c) return endif if (i < 0) then write(*,'("mod_by_x: error, negative i:",I10)')i stop endif iw = i/32 ib = mod(i,32) NULLIFY(w) allocate(w) call new(w,i) do j=0,w%size-1 w%c(j) = a%c(j) enddo w%c(w%size-1) = IAND(w%c(w%size-1),2**ib-1) call assign(c,w) call delete(w) deallocate(w) NULLIFY(w) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_mult_by_x(c,a,i) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: c ! c := a * x^i type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a integer(INT32), intent(in) :: i if (i < 0) then write(*,'("mult_by_x: error, negative i:",I10)')i stop endif if (i == 0) then call assign(c,a) return endif call shift(c,a,i) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_div_by_x(c,a,i) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: c ! c := a div x^i type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a integer(INT32), intent(in) :: i if (i < 0) then write(*,'("div_by_x: error, negative i:",I10)')i stop endif if (i == 0) then call assign(c,a) return endif call shift(c,a,-i) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_pow_pow_2(c,e,m) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: c ! c := x**(2**e) mod m integer(INT32), intent(in) :: e type(gf2x_prime_obj), intent(in) :: m ! precomputed polynomial for Barrett algorithm integer(INT32) :: i,ee type(gf2x_obj), pointer :: w,s ee = CEILING(log(REAL(m%deg))/log(2.0)) call delete(c) if (ee > e) then call set_coef(c,2**e) return endif NULLIFY(w,s) allocate(w,s) call set_coef(w,2**ee) call rem(s,w,m) ! s = w mod m do i=ee+1,e call square(w,s) ! w = s**2 call rem(s,w,m) ! s = w mod m enddo call assign(c,s) call delete(w) call delete(s) deallocate(w,s) NULLIFY(w,s) return end subroutine subroutine gf2x_pow_mod(c,a,e,m) type(gf2x_obj), intent(inout) :: c ! c := a**e mod m type(gf2x_obj), intent(in) :: a integer(INT32), intent(in) :: e type(gf2x_prime_obj), intent(in) :: m ! precomputed polynomial for Barrett algorithm type(gf2x_obj), pointer :: w integer(INT32) :: i,deg NULLIFY(w) call delete(c) if (e==1) then if (a%deg >= m%deg) then call rem(c,a,m) return else call assign(c,a) return endif endif if (e==0) then call set_coef(c,0) return endif if (e<0) then write(*,*)"pow: c = a^e mod m : exponent should be e>=0." stop endif if (is_zero(a)) return deg = deg_i32(e) allocate(w) call set_coef(c,0) do i=deg,0,-1 call square(w,c) ! c := c**2 mod m call rem(c,w,m) if (BTEST(e,i)) then call mult(w,c,a) ! c := c * a mod m call rem(c,w,m) endif enddo call delete(w) deallocate(w) NULLIFY(w) return end subroutine !======================================================================== function deg_i32(a) result(d) integer(INT32) :: a,d,i d=-1 do i=31,0,-1 if (BTEST(a,i)) then d=i exit endif enddo return end function function deg_i64(a) result(d) integer(INT64) :: a integer(INT32) :: d,i do i=63,0,-1 if (BTEST(a,i)) then d=i exit endif enddo return end function subroutine square_i32(a,ch,cl) integer(INT32), intent(in) :: a integer(INT32), intent(out) :: ch,cl ! (ch,cl) = a**2 integer(INT32) :: ia,i integer(INT64) :: da,dc da = a if (da < 0) da = da + 2_8**32 ! convert to unsigned dc = Z'0' ia = deg_i32(a) do i = 0,ia if (BTEST(a,i)) then dc = ibset(dc,i*2) endif enddo ch = ISHFT(dc,-32) cl = dc return end subroutine !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES FORCEINLINE :: mult_i32 subroutine mult_i32(a,b,ch,cl) integer(INT32), intent(in) :: a,b integer(INT32), intent(out) :: ch,cl ! (ch,cl) = a*b integer(INT32) :: tmp,u(0:3) integer(INT64), parameter :: ZE = Z'eeeeeeee' integer(INT64), parameter :: ZC = Z'cccccccc' integer(INT64), parameter :: Z8 = Z'88888888' if (a==0 .or. b ==0) then ch = 0 cl = 0 return endif u(0) = 0 u(1) = a u(2) = ISHFT(u(1),+1) u(3) = IEOR(u(2),a) cl = IEOR(ISHFT(u( ISHFT(b,-30) ),2),u(IAND(ISHFT(b,-28),3))) ch = ISHFT(cl,-28) cl = IEOR(ISHFT(cl,4),IEOR(ISHFT(u(IAND(ISHFT(b,-26),3)),2),u(IAND(ISHFT(b,-24),3)))) ch = IOR(ISHFT(ch,4),ISHFT(cl,-28)) cl = IEOR(ISHFT(cl,4),IEOR(ISHFT(u(IAND(ISHFT(b,-22),3)),2),u(IAND(ISHFT(b,-20),3)))) ch = IOR(ISHFT(ch,4),ISHFT(cl,-28)) cl = IEOR(ISHFT(cl,4),IEOR(ISHFT(u(IAND(ISHFT(b,-18),3)),2),u(IAND(ISHFT(b,-16),3)))) ch = IOR(ISHFT(ch,4),ISHFT(cl,-28)) cl = IEOR(ISHFT(cl,4),IEOR(ISHFT(u(IAND(ISHFT(b,-14),3)),2),u(IAND(ISHFT(b,-12),3)))) ch = IOR(ISHFT(ch,4),ISHFT(cl,-28)) cl = IEOR(ISHFT(cl,4),IEOR(ISHFT(u(IAND(ISHFT(b,-10),3)),2),u(IAND(ISHFT(b, -8),3)))) ch = IOR(ISHFT(ch,4),ISHFT(cl,-28)) cl = IEOR(ISHFT(cl,4),IEOR(ISHFT(u(IAND(ISHFT(b, -6),3)),2),u(IAND(ISHFT(b, -4),3)))) ch = IOR(ISHFT(ch,4),ISHFT(cl,-28)) cl = IEOR(ISHFT(cl,4),IEOR(ISHFT(u(IAND(ISHFT(b, -2),3)),2),u(IAND( b ,3)))) tmp = -IAND(ISHFT(a,-31),1) tmp = IAND(tmp,ISHFT(IAND(b,ZE),-1)) ch = IEOR(ch,tmp) tmp = -IAND(ISHFT(a,-30),1) tmp = IAND(tmp,ISHFT(IAND(b,ZC),-2)) ch = IEOR(ch,tmp) tmp = -IAND(ISHFT(a,-29),1) tmp = IAND(tmp,ISHFT(IAND(b,Z8),-3)) ch = IEOR(ch,tmp) return end subroutine subroutine mult_i32_old(a,b,ch,cl) integer(INT32), intent(in) :: a,b integer(INT32), intent(out) :: ch,cl ! (ch,cl) = a*b integer(INT32) :: ia,ib,i integer(INT64) :: da,db,dc da = a db = b if (da < 0) da = da + 2_8**32 ! convert to unsigned if (db < 0) db = db + 2_8**32 ! convert to unsigned ia = deg_i32(a) ib = deg_i32(b) dc = Z'0' do i = 0,ia if (BTEST(a,i)) then dc = IEOR(dc,db) endif dc = ISHFTC(dc,-1) enddo dc = ISHFTC(dc,ia+1) ch = ISHFT(dc,-32) cl = dc ! write(*,'(B64.64)')dc ! write(*,'(B32.32)')ch ! write(*,'(B64.64)')cl return end subroutine subroutine shift_i32(a,i,ch,cm,cl) integer(INT32), intent(in) :: a integer(INT32), intent(in) :: i integer(INT32), intent(out) :: ch,cm,cl ! (ch,cm,cl) = shift(a,i) integer(INT64) :: dc if (abs(i) >= 32) then write(*,*)"shift_int32: error i=",i stop endif select case (i) case (0) ch = 0; cm = a; cl = 0 return case (1:31) dc = a if (dc < 0) dc = dc + 2_8**32 ! convert to unsigned dc = ISHFT(dc,i) ch = ISHFT(dc,-32) cm = dc cl = 0 return case (-31:-1) dc = a if (dc < 0) dc = dc + 2_8**32 ! convert to unsigned dc = ISHFT(dc,i+32) ch = 0 cm = ISHFT(dc,-32) cl = dc return end select return end subroutine end module !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module msmt19937 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This is a Fortran translation from C-program for MT19937-64 ! (2004/9/29 version) ! originally coded by Takuji Nishimura and Makoto Matsumoto ! ! done originally by Rémi Piatek. However, this code have the ! following modifications: ! ! * Save state to restart PRNG from where it was interrupted ! * JUMP AHEAD prng, allowing to split single random number series ! from 64bit Mersenne Twister (MT19937_64) into (almost) multiple independent ! streams. Therefore, splitted streams can be used on parallel simulations ! with MPI. Code for jump ahead is based on mt_stream.f90 module ! originally coded by Ken-Ichi Ishikawa ! ! Before generate any pseudorandom number, initialize the state by using ! call init_genrand(seed) ! or ! call init_by_array(init_key) ! To jump ahead pseudorandom sequence by id*2^jp steps ! call mt_jumpahead(id,jp) ! ! Tayroni Alves ! Physics Department ! Piauí State Federal University ! email: tay @ !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This is a Fortran translation of the 64-bit version of ! the Mersenne Twister pseudorandom number generator ! Before using, initialize the state by using ! call init_genrand64(seed) ! or ! call init_by_array64(init_key) ! Translated from C-program for MT19937-64 (2004/9/29 version) ! originally coded by Takuji Nishimura and Makoto Matsumoto ! ! Fortran translation by Rémi Piatek ! The University of Copenhagen ! Department of Economics ! email: {first}.{last} !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! A C-program for MT19937-64 (2004/9/29 version). ! Coded by Takuji Nishimura and Makoto Matsumoto. ! This is a 64-bit version of Mersenne Twister pseudorandom number ! generator. ! Before using, initialize the state by using init_genrand64(seed) ! or init_by_array64(init_key, key_length). ! Copyright (C) 2004, Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura, ! All rights reserved. ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ! are met: ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ! documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! 3. The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote ! products derived from this software without specific prior written ! permission. ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ! "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ! LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ! A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER ! OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, ! EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ! PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ! PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ! LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ! NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ! SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! References: ! T. Nishimura, ``Tables of 64-bit Mersenne Twisters'' ! ACM Transactions on Modeling and ! Computer Simulation 10. (2000) 348--357. ! M. Matsumoto and T. Nishimura, ! ``Mersenne Twister: a 623-dimensionally equidistributed ! uniform pseudorandom number generator'' ! ACM Transactions on Modeling and ! Computer Simulation 8. (Jan. 1998) 3--30. ! Any feedback is very welcome. ! ! email: m-mat @ (remove spaces) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use gf2xe use iso_fortran_env implicit none private public :: mt_jumpahead public :: savestate_genrand public :: readstate_genrand public :: erasestate_genrand public :: init_genrand public :: init_by_array public :: grnd public :: grnd1 public :: grnd2 public :: grndint integer, parameter :: n = 312 integer, parameter :: m = 156 integer*8, parameter :: seed_def = 5489_int64 integer*8, parameter :: matrix_a = -5403634167711393303_int64 integer*8, parameter :: umask = -2147483648_int64 ! most significant 33 bits integer*8, parameter :: lmask = 2147483647_int64 ! least significant 31 bits integer*8, parameter :: maska = 6148914691236517205_int64 integer*8, parameter :: maskb = 8202884508482404352_int64 integer*8, parameter :: maskc = -2270628950310912_int64 integer, parameter :: shift0 = -29_int64 integer, parameter :: shiftb = 17_int64 integer, parameter :: shiftc = 37_int64 integer, parameter :: shift1 = -43_int64 real*8, parameter :: pi253_1 = 1.d0/(2.d0**53 - 1.d0) real*8, parameter :: pi253 = 1.d0/(2.d0**53) real*8, parameter :: pi252 = 1.d0/(2.d0**52) integer*8 :: mt(n) ! array for the state vector integer :: mti = n+1 ! mti==n+1 means mt is not initialized integer, parameter :: unitnumber1 = 100001 !Save mt PRNG state on unit=unitnumber1 integer, parameter :: unitnumber2 = 100002 !Save mti PRNG state on unit=unitnumber2 contains !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Jump ahead by id*2^jp steps !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine mt_jumpahead(id,jp) implicit none integer :: jp ! exponent (jump step = id*2^jp) integer :: id ! id (jump step = id*2^jp) integer*8 p(n) !jumpahead polynomial coefficients integer np integer i,iwp,ibp integer*8 :: v(n),w(n),s(n) ! compute jump ahead polynomial ! p(x) coefficients for this MT parameter call f_get_coeff(n,m,31,32,matrix_a,id,jp,np,p) ! multiply p(B) on a state vector v ! p(x) : jump ahead polynomial ! B : transition matrix ! with simple Horner's method ! w = p(B) v = B^(2^jp) v v = mt iwp = (np-1)/32 ibp = mod(np-1,32) if (btest(p(iwp+1),ibp)) then w = v end if do i = np-2,0,-1 iwp = i/32 ibp = mod(i,32) call mt_matvec(w,s)! s = B w if (btest(p(iwp+1),ibp)) then w = ieor(v,s) ! w = 1 v + s else w = s ! w = 0 v + s end if end do mt = w mti = n return end !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Multiply transition matrix on a state vector v !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine mt_matvec(old,new) ! new = B old ! this : MT parameters(transition matrix) ! old : input vector ! new : output vector implicit none integer*8 old(n) integer*8 new(n) integer*8 :: mag01(0:1) = (/0_int64, matrix_a/) integer*8 x integer i new(1) = iand(old(2),umask) new(2:n-1) = old(3:n) x = ior(iand(old(1), umask), iand(old(2), lmask)) new(n) = ieor(ieor(old(m+1), ishft(x, -1_int64)), mag01(iand(x, 1_int64))) return end !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Compute MT jump ahead polynomial coefficients (depends on the gf2xe module) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine f_get_coeff(nn,mm,rr,ww,avec,id,jp,np,pp) implicit none integer id,jp integer :: nn,mm,rr,ww integer*8 :: avec integer np integer*8 pp(nn) type(gf2x_obj) :: af,bf,ff,f1,f2 type(gf2x_prime_obj) :: fp integer :: i,ib,nws !MT characteristic polynomial !ff : MT char poly. call set_coef(af,nn) call set_coef(af,mm) ! af = x^nn + x^mm call set_coef(bf,nn-1) call set_coef(bf,mm-1) ! bf = x^(nn-1) + x^(mm-1) call pow(f1,af,ww-rr) ! f1 = af^(ww-rr) call pow(f2,bf,rr) ! f2 = bf^(rr) call mult(ff,f1,f2) ! ff = f1*f2 do i=0,rr-1 ib = mod(i,ww) if (btest(avec,ib)) then call pow(f2,bf,rr-1-i) call mult_assign(f2,f1) call add_assign(ff,f2) endif enddo do i=rr,ww-1 ib = mod(i,ww) if (btest(avec,ib)) then call pow(f1,af,ww-1-i) call add_assign(ff,f1) endif enddo call delete(af) call delete(bf) call delete(f1) call delete(f2) !set ff for Barrett reduction call set_prime(fp,ff) ! fp = ff call delete(ff) call delete(f1) call delete(f2) !jump ahead !long jump call pow_pow_2(f1,jp,fp) ! f1 = x**(2**jp) mod fp !short jump call pow_mod(ff,f1,id,fp) ! ff = f1**id mod fp pp(:) = 0 np = get_deg(ff)+1 nws = ceiling(dfloat(np)/32.d0) pp(1:nws) = ff%c(0:nws-1) call delete(f1) call delete(f2) call delete(ff) call delete(fp) return end !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Save a copy of PRNG state !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine savestate_genrand(statenumber) implicit none integer statenumber !PRNG state copy number character*11, parameter :: formatstatenumber='(I4.4)' character(len=4) stringstatenumber write(stringstatenumber,formatstatenumber) statenumber open(unit=unitnumber1,file='statemt_'//stringstatenumber//'.dat') open(unit=unitnumber2,file='statemti_'//stringstatenumber//'.dat') write(unitnumber1,*) mt write(unitnumber2,*) mti close(unitnumber1) close(unitnumber2) return end !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Read a copy of PRNG state !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine readstate_genrand(statenumber) implicit none integer statenumber !PRNG state copy number character*11, parameter :: formatstatenumber='(I4.4)' character(len=4) stringstatenumber logical existingfile1, existingfile2 write(stringstatenumber,formatstatenumber) statenumber !See if a 'statenumber' copy is saved inquire(file='statemt_'//stringstatenumber//'.dat' , exist=existingfile1) inquire(file='statemti_'//stringstatenumber//'.dat', exist=existingfile2) !If state files exists, then they will be read if (existingfile1 .and. existingfile2) then open(unit=unitnumber1,file='statemt_'//stringstatenumber//'.dat' ) open(unit=unitnumber2,file='statemti_'//stringstatenumber//'.dat') read(unitnumber1,*) mt read(unitnumber2,*) mti close(unitnumber1) close(unitnumber2) end if return end !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Erase a copy of PRNG state !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine erasestate_genrand(statenumber) implicit none integer statenumber character*11, parameter :: formatstatenumber='(I4.4)' character(len=4) stringstatenumber integer stat logical existingfile1, existingfile2 write(stringstatenumber,formatstatenumber) statenumber !See if a 'statenumber' copy is saved inquire(file='statemt_'//stringstatenumber//'.dat' , exist=existingfile1) inquire(file='statemti_'//stringstatenumber//'.dat', exist=existingfile2) !If state files exists, erase then if (existingfile1 .and. existingfile2) then open(unit=unitnumber1, iostat=stat, file='statemt_'//stringstatenumber//'.dat' , status='old') if (stat .eq. 0) close(unitnumber1, status='delete') open(unit=unitnumber2, iostat=stat, file='statemti_'//stringstatenumber//'.dat', status='old') if (stat .eq. 0) close(unitnumber2, status='delete') end if return end !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initializes mt(n) with a seed !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine init_genrand(seed) implicit none integer*8, intent(in) :: seed integer :: i mt(1) = seed do i = 1, n-1 mt(i+1) = 6364136223846793005_int64 * ieor(mt(i), ishft(mt(i), -62_int64)) + i end do mti = n return end !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initializes by an array with array-length - init_key is the array for initializing keys !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine init_by_array(init_key) implicit none integer*8, intent(in) :: init_key(:) integer*8, parameter :: c1 = 3935559000370003845_int64 integer*8, parameter :: c2 = 2862933555777941757_int64 integer*8 :: i, j, k, kk, key_length call init_genrand(19650218_int64) key_length = size(init_key) i = 1; j = 0_int64 k = max(n, key_length) do kk = 1, k mt(i+1) = ieor(mt(i+1), c1 * ieor(mt(i), ishft(mt(i), -62_int64))) & & + init_key(j+1) + j i = i+1; j = j+1_int64 if (i >= n) then mt(1) = mt(n) i = 1 end if if(j >= key_length) j = 0_int64 end do do kk = 1, n-1 mt(i+1) = ieor(mt(i+1), c2 * ieor(mt(i), ishft(mt(i), -62_int64))) - i i = i+1 if (i >= n) then mt(1) = mt(n) i = 1 end if end do mt(1) = ishft(1_int64, 63_int64) ! MSB is 1; assuring non-zero initial array return end !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Generates a random number on [-2^63, 2^63-1]-interval !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function grndint() result(x) implicit none integer*8 :: mag01(0:1) = (/0_int64, matrix_a/) integer*8 :: x integer :: i if (mti >= n) then ! generate nn words at one time ! if init_genrand() has not been called, a default initial seed is used if(mti == n+1) call init_genrand(seed_def) do i = 1, n-m x = ior(iand(mt(i),umask), iand(mt(i+1), lmask)) mt(i) = ieor(ieor(mt(i+m), ishft(x, -1_int64)), mag01(iand(x, 1_int64))) end do do i = n-m+1, n-1 x = ior(iand(mt(i), umask), iand(mt(i+1), lmask)) mt(i) = ieor(ieor(mt(i+m-n), ishft(x, -1_int64)), mag01(iand(x, 1_int64))) end do x = ior(iand(mt(n), umask), iand(mt(1), lmask)) mt(n) = ieor(ieor(mt(m), ishft(x, -1_int64)), mag01(iand(x, 1_int64))) mti = 0 end if mti = mti + 1 x = mt(mti) x = ieor(x, iand(ishft(x, shift0), maska)) x = ieor(x, iand(ishft(x, shiftb), maskb)) x = ieor(x, iand(ishft(x, shiftc), maskc)) x = ieor(x, ishft(x, shift1)) return end !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Generates a random number on [0,1) real interval !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function grnd() result(r) implicit none real*8 :: r r = dfloat(ishft(grndint(), -11_int64)) * pi253 end !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Generates a random number on [0,1] real interval !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function grnd1() result(r) implicit none real*8 :: r r = dfloat(ishft(grndint(), -11_int64)) * pi253_1 return end !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Generates a random number on (0,1) real interval !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function grnd2() result(r) implicit none real*8 :: r r = dfloat(ishft(grndint(), -12_int64)) r = (r + 0.5d0) * pi252 return end end module msmt19937 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! program test_msmt19937 !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !Main code to test msmt19937 module and showcase relevant subroutines !and functions needed to call the Mersenne Twister random number generator !Comment this main routine if you want to use msmt19937 module with !your main FORTRAN program !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !Call the relevant modules use mpi use msmt19937 use iso_fortran_env !64bit integers implicit none integer i,randseqterm integer, parameter :: randseqsize=2**4+1 !lenght of generated random sequence integer*8 seed !Declare seeds as 64bit integers integer id,jp integer ierror !Error flag !mpi_init, mpi_abort, mpi_comm_rank, mpi_comm_size, mpi_finalize integer idproc !Process ID !mpi_comm_rank integer ntproc !Number of processes !mpi_comm_size integer status(mpi_status_size) character*50 greeting !***MPI initialization***! call mpi_init(ierror) !***Get the MPI list of processors and respective id's (one root with idproc=0 and the other are slaves)***! call mpi_comm_rank(mpi_comm_world,idproc,ierror) !***idproc is the process identification: idproc=0..ntproc***! call mpi_comm_size(mpi_comm_world,ntproc,ierror) !***ntproc is the total number of parallel processes - input of mpirun***! write(greeting,*) 'Processor', idproc+1, 'of', ntproc if (idproc .eq. 0) then write(*,*) greeting do i=1, ntproc - 1 call mpi_recv(greeting,50,mpi_character,i,1,mpi_comm_world,status,ierror) write(*,*) greeting end do write(*,*) ' ' else call mpi_send(greeting,50,mpi_character,0,1,mpi_comm_world,ierror) end if !Initialize PRNG seed = 1145_int64 call init_genrand(seed) !Advance PRNG state by idproc*2^3 on slave nodes !Try changing! if (idproc .ne. 0) call mt_jumpahead(idproc,3) !if (idproc .ne. 0) then ! do i=1, idproc ! call mt_jumpahead(1,3) ! end do !end if !Advance PRNG state by idproc*2^256 on slave nodes !if (idproc .ne. 0) call mt_jumpahead(idproc,256) do i=1, ntproc if (idproc .eq. i-1) then write(*,*) 'Stream', idproc+1 !Generate a random double precision random float sequence with lenght = randseqsize do randseqterm=1, randseqsize write(*,*) randseqterm,grnd() end do write(*,*) ' ' end if call mpi_barrier(mpi_comm_world,ierror) end do !***Finish MPI***! call mpi_finalize(ierror) end