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Baby Mandelbrot sets are born in Cauliflowers. Adrien Douady (Université de Paris-Sud)

For any complex number $ c$, the filled Julia set $ K_c$ is the set of points which do not escape to infinity under iteration of the map $ z \mapsto z^2+c$ . It is a fractal set which depends on $ c$ . The Mandelbrot set $ M$ is the set of values of $ c$ for which $ K_c$ is connected.

The correspondence $ c \mapsto K_c$ is not continuous. A big discontinuity occurs for $ c = 1/4$ , the cusp of $ M$ . The set $ K_c$ for $ c = 1/4$ is known as the cauliflower ; when $ c$ is changed to $ 1/4 + \epsilon$ , it undergoes asudden change called implosion.

There is an infinite number of copies of $ M$ in $ M$ , and there are whole sequences of them. For instance, if $ M'$ is a copy of $ M$ in $ M$ , there is a sequence $ (M_n)$ of smaller copies tending to the cusp of $ M'$ . For this sequence a special phenomenon occurs : each $ M_n$ is encaged in a nest of decorations, the first one being a copy of an imploded cauliflower, the other ones being the same object duplicated, quadruplated, etc, and wrapped around $ M_n$

We shall show and describe this phenomenon,and try to explain how it is produced.

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Tohru Okuzono